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10 years later

" Laila, time for bed honey " I drawled out sleepily, rubbing my eyes. The exited 5 year old wiped the milk from her face and jumped out the chair.

I couldn't help but smile. She had her fathers green eyes and our brown hair. She looked adorable in her Disney onesie her uncle, Jeremy had bought her for her birthday.

" But wake me up when Daddy gets home from work. I want to show you both the picture I drew in school " she grinned at me.

" Okay sweetie. Now brush your teeth then I'll tuck you in to bed " I brushed her hair out of her face. She unexpectedly hugged my legs, almost making me topple over.

" Bye Mommy! " she said before scurrying up the stairs. I followed her upstairs just as she ran in to the bathroom.

I wish Stefan would finish work earlier. He would be home by ten from his office. Laila was standing on a pink stool, as she was too little to reach the sink. Toothpaste was all around her mouth.

" Done! " she shouted. I grabbed a towel from the rack and wiped her mouth. There was a knock from downstairs and Laila's eyes lighted up.

" DADDY?! " she screamed, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the bathroom. Her hand was so small in mine. She tugged me down the stairs before I could do anything.

Her hand slipped out of mine as she went on to her tiptoes and turned to knob. She pushed the door open and Stefan was standing, leaning on the door frame. He wore his work outfit, a suit. His hair was tousled and a smile on his face. He grunted as Laila jumped on to him, her arms wrapping round his waist so her feet were dangling.

He scooped her up so she in his arms, shutting the door behind him.

" How's daddy's girl? " he chuckled, ruffling her hair.

" I'm- wait let me down I have to show you and Mommy something! " she slid out his arms and running up the stairs. I looked back at Stefan.

" I missed you babe " he grinned as he pulled me close to him.

" I missed you too, Stefan. How was work? " I asked.

" Okay, Damon kept annoying me as usual " he rolled his eyes. He leaned down to kiss me.

" Stefan- "

" Just a peck " he said innocently. I laughed as I wrapped my arms round his neck. He began to kiss me, cupping my face. The kiss deepened but it was stopped when their was a voice.

" Why are you eating each other? "

I whipped round to see Laila with a confused expression on her face. My cheeks heated up. Oh God.

" What you got there? " Stefan swiftly changed the subject.

She looked down at her hand where there was a piece of paper.

" Oh this is a picture of all of us! " she thrusted the picture into my hands. I looked at the picture and grinned. There was a stick figure labeled Daddy in her adorable writing. There was a tiny figure wearing a dress labeled me and lastly there was me with a huge grin on my face and we were all holding hands. There was hearts everywhere and then I realised something. There was a little baby boy in my stomach, or at least I think there was.

How did she know?

" Laila, what's this? " I asked pointing at the baby.

" That's my little brother "

Stefan looked confused.

" Laila, that's a very nice picture. I put it up in the wall, okay. But it's time to sleep. Go up and me and Daddy will say goodnight "

She nodded and ran up the stairs.

" What does she mean little brother? "

I took a deep breath and took Stefan's hands.

" I'm pregnant. With a little boy. I was going to tell you tomorrow with everyone but I guess you know now " I bit my lip anxiously.

He was silent for a moment, his face unreadable then his face broke in to a huge grin. He scooped me up and whirled me around. You should have seen him when I told him I was pregnant with Laila.

" That's great, honey! "

He crushed his lips to mine and I moaned on his mouth. The kiss was like all our other kisses, passionate. My legs were wrapped round his torso and his back leaning against the door. I pulled away.

" I love you Stefan Salvatore " I said and I truly meant it.

" I love you too. Elena Salvatore "


The End!

I hope you guys liked the book. This is my first completed book! I can't wait to write other books and there will be a new one out soon!

- xthatcrazyfangirlx ❣

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