Chapter 12

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Elena POV

Katherine dragged me with her to Ivy. Ivy was in a corner crying.

" Ivy are you- " said Stefan.

" No! Don't talk to me! " she said sending Stefan flying back. He groaned getting up.

" Look Ivy I haven't seen you for 100 years you can't expect me to love you again " he said.

" Stefan! What about us? I still love you " Ivy said sticking her hand up. Stefan was pushed against the wall, his feet dangling in the air.

" You did this to me! You made me love you! You were charming and lovable but it was all a lie! " she screamed.

" Ivy, don't you think people can hear us? " Katherine asked.

" Don't worry I put a spell on all of us to be invisible and they can't hear us " Ivy said still glaring at Stefan. Suddenly her brown eyes set on me.

" Who are you? " she asked.

" Elena, Stefan's girlfriend " said Katherine. Even though I couldn't see her I knew she was smirking. 

" You- your the girl who stole Stefan from me! You will pay! " she screamed.

" Wait- wait Ivy! Look at me. This is not you. Your better than this. I still love you but not in a relationship way " Stefan saod soothingly. Suddenly Stefan released from the spell.

" Katherine I'm sorry " she said and started to walk away.

" Wait! Ivy you trapped my friends " Stefan said.

" Oh I forgot. There free to go. Goodbye " she said.

" No! " screamed Katherine.

" Katerina your evil has come to a pile of consequences " she said. Suddenly Katherine had loosened her grip on my neck and was falling.

" No- no Ivy! " she squeaked as she held her thoat. Ivy was gone and so was Katherine. Stefan pulled me into his arms.

" Are you okay? " he asked.

" Yeah, I'm fine do you have the moonstone? " I asked. He nodded patting his pocket.

" Come on lets go " I said. We walked to the others. They were no longer outside. We presumed they went in. We walked back in. Ric nodded at me. I sat down in my seat. I looked at the time. The time was the same as the time we left the class. Maybe Ivy put a spell.

After School

Elena, the Salvatores, Caroline, Tyler, the Mikaelsons and Alaric were sitting in Alaric's classroom.

" What the hell happened? " asked Rebekah. Stefan explained the whole event in great detail. Once he was done a knock was at the door. Ric got up and answered it.

" Uh sorry it's late but I forgot my- Elena?" Said the familiar voice.

" Jer? " I said. He stood at the door with his bag slung over his shoulder. Suddenly a huge cloud guilt came over me. I hadn't told him anything.

" Hey what are you doing here? " he asked. " Uh it's a club " I lied.

" Really? I thought you hated history. You said the only people who teach history are- " he said before I stopped him.

" Okay- okay thats enough information " I said. Ric raised his eyebrows at me. I shrugged. The others laughed.

" He is hot " I heard Caroline whisper to Bonnie and Rebekah. I glared at her. I took a deep breath.

" Jer I need to tell you something. It's a about mom...and other stuff " I sighed.

" She's a vampire isn't she " he said. My heart stopped.

" What?! " I said. Damon whistled.

" Did not see that coming " he said.

" You know?! " I said ignoring Damons comment.

" Well I was coming to your dorm and I knocked on it and mom answered. She looked really sick. She told me she needed to drink my blood. I was confused and left. Then at midnight I saw my roomate getting up and he left. I decided to follow him. He led me to an underground place. I looked in and saw people drinking blood, I thought it was wine. I saw you and your friends there. Then I ran away. Are you a ? " he asked.

" Oh my gosh no! " I said.

" Well I need to tell you more. I didn't tell you the truth. When he was walking to the underground I made a noise. He turned round and saw me. Something weird happened to his eyes and teeth. Then he said to me not to make a noise. I didn't. He sank his teeth into my neck...the he killed me and he was killed too. It happened last night" he said. My heart beat faster and faster. Tears fell down my cheeks.

" Elena what's wrong? " he asked.

" Elena he only has a couple of hours " I heard Stefan say.

" A couple of hours till what? " he asked.

" If you don't drink human blood you will die " I said pulling Jeremy into my arms.

" You mean I will become a vampire " he said. I nodded into his shoulder.

OMG! Jeremy has to die or become a vampire! What will he choose!

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