Chapter 24

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Elena Gilbert

" Elena as Kyle is new would you take him around " said Alaric.

" Uh..sure " I shrugged as I gathered my things.

" Thanks Elena " he says as he continues scribbling words on the board.

" Okay class! I want this essay finished in two weeks "

" What class do you have next? " I ask Kyle who slung his bag over his shoulder.

" Uh.. English with Mr Bell "

" I have that too, just follow me " I give him a smile. He smiles back, showing his teeth.

" Elena, I could be sleeping right now but no- oh hey " Stefan says noticing Kyle.

" Hey, I'm Kyle " he smiles shaking Stefan's hand.

" Stefan " he smiles back.

" Do you have Mr Bell? " I ask Stefan as we walk out the class.

" Yeah, remember we have literally the same classes " he chuckles.

" Stefan! " I turned round to see Damon walking towards us.

" Yeah? " Stefan asks.

" Guess what! I just got a girlfriend! Pay up buddy " Damon says holding out his hand.

" Not yet. It hasn't been a month " Stefan shakes his head.

" You made a bet to see if Damon could get a girlfriend? Really? " I raise an eyebrow.

" But she's like real nice. Don't get jealous, Elena. There's plenty of Damon to go round " Damon smirks, draping his arm round my shoulders. I scoff, shoving his arm off.

" Come on Kyle " I roll my eyes and lead him to Mr Bell's class. Once I reach my seat, I slip in to it. Kyle sits next me and I give Stefan an apologetic look. He shakes his head mouthing ' it's fine ' to me. I smile as he takes the seat behind me. I wish Stefan would sit next to me but after all it was Kyle's first day so I should be nice to him. Suddenly a pang of hunger hits me. No, not food but a hunger for blood. I take deep breaths as my vision becomes slightly blurry. I had been drinking the animal blood the school supplied vampires with but now I felt the need for blood, human blood.

" Mr Bell, may I go to the washroom? " I ask gulping.

" Fine, make it quick " he says hesitantly. I get up and leave the class. I take more shallow breaths as I lock myself in to a stall.

It's okay Elena, just breathe. Wait till free period or lunch to go get blood. I squeeze my eyes shut as I start to see multiple toilets.

" Elena? Are you okay? " I grimace as I realise who it is. Kyle. It wasn't that I didn't like him but I really can't have any humans by me at the moment. I decide to stay quiet.

" Good, she's not here " I hear him say. I freeze. What does he mean by that.

" I only need 2 more and I'm positive she's one of them " Kyle says. His voice was cold and gave me shivers. I realise he's talking on the phone. Plus he knows I'm a vampire. What is he? A hunter? I gulp as the smell of human blood drifts in the air. Control yourself.

" Okay but listen can we not choose some other one. I kinda like her, you know "

I raise an eyebrow.

Someone started shouting in the phone.

" Okay, I understand. I'll call you later " he sighs before I hear a snap, probably him shutting his phone. The door creaks before there a SLAM. I let out a breath I had been holding. I fumble in pockets, pulling out my phone. I send a quick text to Stefan. Hopefully he gets it and doesn't get in trouble. I peek out the door, checking the coast is clear. I sigh as its empty and I leave the stall.

Who is Kyle? Is he a vampire hunter? I don't know. I need Stefan. I hear the door creak and my heart beat fastens. A familiar brown head appears.

" Stefan " I say wrapping my arms round him.

" Elena, are you okay? What happened? Plus couldn't you find somewhere else to talk, other than the girl's room " he asks softly cupping my face. I chuckle.

" I'm fine, I left because I needed blood. Not animal blood, Stefan. Human " I sigh.

" I think Damon has some bottles in his room. Hopefully he left it unlocked as usual " he says taking my hand. We leave the washroom and walk in the corridors.

" Stefan, I have to tell you something "

" Yes? "

" Well I ran here and locked myself in a stall. Someone came in a me it was Kyle. First he called out my name but I stayed quiet. He then started talking on the phone to someone. He said I only need 2 more and he knows I'm a vampire " I bite my lip. Stefan furrows his eyebrows.

" How one earth? " he wonders aloud.

" I don't know. Then he asked if they could use someone else but the person on the phone started shouting then he hung up " I finished leaving out the part where he said he liked me.

" He must be a vampire hunter. We have to tell the others " Stefan says crossing his arms as we stopped outside a dorm.

" It should be unlocked " Stefan twisted the knob and it opened.

" Typical Damon " I heard him mutter. The room was fairly messy with clothes scattered everywhere. Stefan lifted the bed, pulling out a box. Inside the box where bags of blood, human blood from the local hospital. Stefan took one out and passed it to me.

" Drink up "

My blood turned cold.

The voice wasn't Stefan's voice.

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