Chapter 18

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Drake's POV

I woke up and found Nathaniel and I were the only ones still in bed. I went to get up, but he pulled me to him, "What's the rush my dragon?" "Well my treasure, I need to use the bathroom," I told him. His laugh was husky from sleep. "You must pay the fee," he told me. I gave him a kiss and he let me go. After going to the rest room and ridding myself of my morning breath he pulled me to him. "The women are out with their mothers and the children, and Shelton is in meetings all day," Nathaniel said to me. "Let's go out on a date, just the two of us. It's been a rather long while since you and I have had the chance to go out and do anything." 

"I take it Ember's fever broke," I asked him. He nodded, "Alice informed me via mind link when I asked where everyone was. She had spoken to Pyrus' mother and she claimed Ember wasn't sick, it's her fire magic coming in. Ember is sleeping a lot because her body is adjusting it. The more fevers she has, the stronger her magic will be. Given what Karla told us, we should be prepared for many fevers to come." I felt relieved, "That's good." He nodded, "Yeah it is." 

We dressed and he took my hand, as we left the room. He had the servants pull his car around and he opened the passenger door for me. I got in and he went around. "So what do you have planned," I asked him curiously. "It's a surprise," he said with a smirk and I chuckled. He drove with one hand on the wheel, the other hand holding mine. He took me to a diner that we used to sneak away too often before we had met Cindy. "It's been a while since we've been here," I said with a smile. "That it has," he said with a nod. We went in and were greeted by the couple who owned it. They were human, and I was thankful they were accepting of us. 

"It's been a while since you've been in," the woman, Clemintine, said after we sat down. "We've been rather busy," Nathaniel said to her. "So I've seen on the news," she said with a nod and smile. "How is the parenting life treating you gentlemen?" "A lot of work, but entirely worth it," I told her. "That's good to hear," she said. "Do you want your usual?" "Yes please," Nathaniel and I answered in unison. 

She walked away and I couldn't help but look at Nathaniel with a smile. "It's refreshing to see that some things haven't changed." He nodded, "It is indeed." During breakfast, we talked just the two of us, not mentioning  Aniavin or the project, just talking about us. With everything that has been going on, it seems that, that's all we've been talking about lately. I honestly don't know much about my mates right now. I don't know what books Nathaniel has been reading, or what color Cindy recently painted her nails. I can't even tell you if Alice has mastered any new spells, or what Shelton is doing during his free time. Don't even get me started on Qin and Pyrus. They're on another continent, coming home here and there to help feed Shelton and Nathaniel then they're gone again. I have never felt so out of touch with my mates, and I didn't even realize it until today. 

"You okay Drake," Nathaniel asked me. "I feel like a shit mate," I confessed. He seemed concerned, "Why is that?" "Because I know nothing about any of you," I told him. "I know nothing about what any of you have found you like doing during your free time anymore or any changes you've made." He nodded in understanding, "I realized the same thing when I was looking for a book to read and noticed the amount of romance books grew. I hadn't realized Cindy actually found a book series that has caught her attention until I asked her about it. We've all fallen out of touch. We have even fallen out of touch with ourselves. We've lost ourselves to our roles as rulers and as parents." 

"We have," I asked him. He studied me, "When's the last time you went out for a fly or watched the sun rise?" I went to answer then realize it has been a while. I then sighed, "You're right. So how do we fix it?" "We have to try and find a balance for ourselves, and with eight babies and three teenagers, that's near impossible," he answered with a sigh. "But you and I are starting today, and we will slowly work in the rest of our mates." I nodded, "Sounds like a plan." 

After we ate and he paid, we went around the city. We saw a movie and did some shopping, the entire time enjoying each other's company and getting back in touch with each other. Back home, Shelton was in a meeting and the women haven't returned yet. I sat the shopping bags down and looked at him. "Thanks Nathaniel," I said to him. He pulled me to him, "You don't need to thank me Drake. I did this because I love you." "I love you too," I said before he kissed me. I kissed him back, feeling the need to have him, hit me. He seemed to have had the same feeling as he deepened the kiss and walked me backwards until I hit the bed. I laid on it, pulling him with me. I removed his shirt before he took off mine. He then began to trail kisses down my neck down my body till he got to my jeans. He freed my aching cock. He met my eyes as he let his tongue lick me from base to tip, licking up the precum that had been making it's way down my shaft. I groaned as he took my length into his mouth and began to give me a heart stopping blow job. When I was close to coming, I buried a hand in his hair and took control, shoving my cock to the back of his throat. When I came, he swallowed every drop. He gave my cock one final lick and smirked at me. I growled softly before taking control and returning the favor. 

"Fuck," he cursed as I swallowed everything he gave me. I watched as his eyes turned red and I smirked, feeling my eyes turn to those of my dragon. He pulled me to him, kissing me roughly. I moaned when I began to feel his fingers begin to prep me. He rolled me so I was on my back before pushing into me. His thrusts were hard and fast, hitting my prostate every time. I felt his fangs enter my neck as my orgasm hit, my walls clenching around him, setting off his own orgasm. When he released my neck, he didn't pull out. Instead, he smirked down at me, eyes still red, "I'm nowhere near done with you my dragon." 

We made very rough and passionate love for a couple of hours before we were both sated enough. I laid on top of him in bed, his hand lazily going up and down my spine. I had a little more of the vampire pheramones in my system than I was used too so I was riding out a nice high as well. 

My eyes moved to the door when Shelton came in. He chuckled when he saw us. "I see I missed a fun filled day." I only made a sound of content. Shelton smirked after he studied me for a moment longer, "I see someone got a little carried away with the pheramones." Nathaniel gave a husky laugh, "I couldn't resist. Things got rough when his inner beast came out." Shelton placed a kiss on my head before giving Nathaniel a kiss. I yawned and wrapped my arms tighter around Nathaniel before letting sleep take me. 

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