Chapter 28

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Qin's POV

I looked around at the progress we've made. Many buildings have taken shape and were having the runes to give them lights and such put in today before we do the insulation and sheetrock. I wiped the sweat from my forehead. I saw one of our supply ships get to the island and the ship had holes blown in it, magic keeping the water out, allowing it to continue to sail. Pyrus and I went to the ship where the Captain waited for us. 

"What happened," Pyrus asked him. "We were attacked on our way here by a Navy ship," he answered. "They're trying to cut off our supply lines." "Was anyone hurt," I asked him. He shook his head, "No your highness." We nodded feeling relieved. We talked with the Captain for a couple of minutes before stepping away. 

"Just fucking great," Pyrus growled as he ran a dirty over his sweat covered face. "Seems our damn time line keeps getting smaller and smaller." I nodded, "Time to inform the others, and get their opinions on the situation." 

One of our supply ships was attacked on the way here, I said in the mindlink. 

Was anyone hurt, Nathaniel asked us. 

No. The captain is currently working on getting in touch with our other ships for a status report, Pyrus told him. 

They're clearly trying to delay our progress, Drake muttered. 

We won't be able to hide knowing what happened from the humans, Cindy said with a sigh. 

Do they know who's flag was on the ship that attacked ours, Shelton asked, sounding like we had woken him up. 

Australia, I replied. 

What do we do now, Alice asked also sounding like she had been woken up. 

I ask them what the fuck were they thinking, Shelton answered. 

I think asking them in a more polite manner is our best bet, Cindy advised. 

Fuck polite, Shelton said clearly having reached his breaking point.  

They attacked a ship of innocent people carrying building supplies. They didn't have weapons on that ship. It doesn't even remotely look like a battleship of any kind. They had no reason to attack us. I'll give them a simple warning and if they choose not to listen to it, then that's on them, Shelton declared. 

The Captain came over to us. "Two other ships were attacked on their way here. One by the Russians and one by the Americans. No one was hurt and they're using magic to keep their ships afloat and should be here by nightfall." 

We thanked the Captain and relayed the information to our mates. 

Screw the warning. This was clearly one of their planned attacks. It's time to show them that at first they didn't have reason to fear us, but now they do, Shelton declared. 

The longer we go without showing our hand they'll continue their attacks getting it into their heads that we're scared, Alice added in. 

We need to make our attacks precise, Cindy advised.  

We were all in agreement with that, and began to discuss where we hit first. We planned a coordinated attack, hitting different places all at once, proving that we were everywhere. We were going an eye for an eye here. They tried taking out some of our supplies, so we'll hit them just a little harder, but nothing major that would get innocent lives involved. Alice and Cindy planned on making a televised appearance with photos of the ships, and outing what the governments did without reason. Then make our declaration that if its a war they want, then it'll be a war they will get. Then it will cut to a broadcast of our attack to show the world, we're not ones you mess with. The broadcasting and outing it was Cindy's idea which had shocked me, but I was all for it. 

I looked forward to seeing how they handled the situation. 

Alice's POV

Cindy and I sat wearing black leather pants, black tank tops, heeled boots, and our crowns on our head. The flag with the symbol Pyrus had designed for our kingdom hung up behind us slightly to the right while a screen was to our left. We went with the colors of plum and silver and it was beautiful. 

We waited for the count down for it to go live. "Hello there," Cindy said with a smile. "Don't try to change the channel because that won't work. This is being magically broadcasted on every channel, being translated in every language, so the world can watch this." 

"Earlier today our supply ships got to our kingdom, having been attacked without reason from the human governments," I said as images of the ships appeared. We also got lucky that some on those crews had gotten video recordings on their phones as well as pictures. "On that ship were simple workers, not soldiers. If you want to meet our soldiers though, then you can get up close and personal if you'd like." I allowed my eyes to change to red as I smirked. 

"Before we take that step though, let's show you what to expect if you do want to go to war with us," Cindy said to the camera with a sweet smile. 

The feed then cut to the different areas we were attacking. Witches flew over the places on their brooms, dropping magic bombs that hit the different military ships and had them rust to the point they turned into dust. The people weren't injured, they just found themselves floating in the water. 

The feed then cut back to us. "We're not out to hurt your people. We don't have to hurt your people in order to win this war. You people can easily be stopped by having your assets crippled," Cindy shared with them. "This is your only warning. Continue down this path, and we'll show you our true strength." We then had the feed cut and Cindy looked at me with a sigh. "We're gonna have to quickly move." I nodded and she took us home. 

"You two did a beautiful job," Nathaniel said to us. "Shelton's phone has been blowing up since you took over the broadcasting feeds," Drake informed us. "I bet he's giving them an ear full," I said with a sigh and they nodded. 

The ball was in their court now, and we had a very strong feeling that they weren't going to be making the smart decision. 

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