Chapter 23

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Cindy's POV

I can do this. I've prepared my whole life for this moment. "You look beautiful," Alice said as she came into the bathroom. I had just finished putting in my earrings. "So do you," I said with a soft smile as I looked at the body hugging red gown she wore. "Are you ready," she asked me. "As ready as I'll ever be," I said to her. "Are you?" She gave me a slight look of confusion. "What do you mean?" I made a crown appear in my hands, "It's not just my coronation. It took me so long to plan it because I didn't want to push your coronation off any further." "But I haven't done any preparing," she said to me, her cheeks pink with a light blush. "You are more ready than you realize," I said as I put the crown on her head. The others knew this coronation was for more than just myself, and they supported my decision. 

"More than a year ago I said somethings I regret," I said to her. "And I know I apologized for saying those things, but I know they still bother you. Nothing I say will ever make up for the things I said to you, no matter how many times you tell me you've forgiven me. I have thought of so many ways to show you that I was wrong, that there is no way you could ever embarrass us, and that I am honored to have you as my mate, as my queen. I decided that I wanted you to accept your crown when I accepted mine. You are my Queen and I know I need you by my side." 

The reason our coronations for King and Queen were at different times, the King's always being before the Queen's, was to show level of importance. The King was always seen as more important because usually the Queen doesn't have much say without approval from the King. 

Alice was my equal in every way, and I wanted the whole world to knew that. 

"Cindy," she whispered as tears filled her eyes. I gave her a sweet kiss, "I love you, Alice." "I love you too Cindy," she said. I took her hand and we left the room. 

At the ball room I gave her a reassuring smile and she returned it. With my head up, and shoulders back, I faced our people with the confidence of a ruler they needed. I will grieve in my personal time, but right now I needed to celebrate not just myself, but also my mate. Together we would be ruling over our people. After accepting our vows we danced with our mates, before I began to introduce her to many of the Lords and Ladies. Alice was able to give some very nice answers to some questions they needed answered. They accepted and respected the answers she had to give which really did make me happy. 

When it was time to eat, we all sat down and I felt happy to get off my feet for a little bit. I looked at my large family, saddened my parents were on bed rest and had to watch me take my vows on the TV screen, but it was better than them not being able to see it at all. The family that was here seemed to be enjoying themselves and that made me happy. Even Rohan who was sitting beside Shyrah who was all smiles as she talked to him. I haven't spent much time with them given all the planning I've been doing, but I wanted to properly get to know my new son in law. He seems to make her happy which was enough for me. Shyrah's had enough suffering lately so it's nice to see her smile. It seems Qin and Nathaniel seemed to have notice how happy he is making her, and have decided to back off on their feelings of hatred towards him. Maybe they'll even start liking him, but I feel like that was asking for a miracle. Stranger things have happened in our lives, so you never know, it was possible. 

After eating, Shelton pulled me to the dance floor once more.  "I am so proud of you," he whispered to me. "What for," I asked him. "You have been so strong and holding your head up high despite the grief I know you feel," he said to me. "You don't have to be strong for forever though. When you want to break, we're here for you." I swallowed the lump in my throat, "I know. I'm fine for now, I promise." 

Usually I was horrible when it came to handling my emotions, my pregnancy being a perfect example of that, and how I handled events after that, but I realized a while ago, that how I was handling my emotions was unhealthy. So I read a couple self help books, and talked a lot with Qin and Alice, and tried to figure out how to not be a bitch when dealing with an emotional overload. I was communicating more and doing my best to act rational. When I found out about my parents, that hit so incredibly hard but I knew that my people were going to need me, and I knew I wasn't alone and that I had the support of my mates. I prayed I was doing everything right, but there were times where I questioned myself. 

He gave me a soft kiss and it had me smiling softly. I soon danced with the rest of my mates, before Karla took me from Qin. "My turn dad, you've already had two turns." Qin chuckled and kissed my cheek before going to dance with one of our other mates. 

"How have you been sweetie," I asked as she and I began to dance. "I've been feeling a little lonely," she confessed. "Shyrah is mated now with Rohan and is already on the new continent, and Mania is always gone for lessons and training. I go with to ensure nothing happens to her, but I feel like a whatever number wheel you call it for that person that feels left out. I've been trying to fill in that loneliness by learning more about modern terms, slang, and mannerisms I couldn't learn when in the book, and it's confusing at times." "Have you tried to make friends," I suggested to her. "Friends?" 

"Friends are people you spend time with that you have common interests with, and tend to be close in age," I explained to her. "How does one make friends," she asked me. "It's not something that you can force. It's something that tends to just happen," I answered. "Who would want to be friends with me? I'm a demon remember," she asked while looking down. "Karla Vin," I scolded with a soft smile. The girls had adopted our last names when we claimed them as our daughters and I was so happy when they did that. "It doesn't matter what you are. There is always a friend out there for someone. You just can't close yourself off or you won't be able to find them. You are beautiful and smart, I'm sure you will find your friends in no time." 

She gave me a smile, "Thanks mom." "Anytime honey." 

After her, Mania danced with me and she talked excited to me about what she's learned. Shyrah wasn't close enough to hear us, still keeping it a secret till Mania was done with her lessons and can give Shyrah her wings back without breaking the demon law. It was nice to hear that everything was going good for her. 

Then I talked with Shyrah who wasn't much for talking but she did inform me she was happy with Rohan and happy with the direction their mating was moving in. At the mention of her mate, I saw him having a conversation with Alice and Drake who were holding Mira and Jurian, and it was nice to see some of my mates liked him. 

After the coronation, I was more than ready to get some rest. Tomorrow I planned on going to spend some time with my parents now that the coronation was out of the way. They weren't expected to live for much longer and I wanted as much time as I could get with them before they were gone. I feel guilty for not spending time with them sooner, but with all of the planning and paper work I was doing, I just couldn't free up that time. I was making time for them starting tomorrow before it was too late. 

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