Chapter 30

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Shelton's POV

Our new kingdom was finally completed! People were eagerly already moving in, and getting settled into their new homes. Drake had gone to help with the last few details and it took them a month to finish up, but now things were ready. 

Seeing it all for the first time was overwhelming. Cindy gasped in awe, her hands coming to her mouth. It was the first time she, Nathaniel, and I were really seeing it in person. We had seen the progress updates but seeing it in person was another story. 

Pyrus gave us a bright smile, "Welcome home." 

My eyes burned at his words. It's been far too long since we've been officially reunited. Qin and Pyrus came home here and there, but they would leave again. We were now all home together. 

We didn't get to celebrate immediately though. We had too many babies to get settled and boxes to put away so we can start unpacking. I looked around the part of the land that we can see. It felt like it was something out of a fantasy movie. It was modern but it wasn't. They brought to life a concept that many of our people had only dreamed of. Many felt that if our kind had never gone into hiding, we would have been able to influence many of the world's advancements with magic, saving the planet from pollution. We stayed quiet in fear of the humans and their irrational thinking. Now we have a land that was a beautiful representation of just what our people are capable of. 

Pyrus was eager to give us a tour of our new home. "Where are Shyrah and Rohan," Mania asked curiously as she looked around. "They are on the other side of the continent, on their way back," Qin answered. "They were looking over the merfolk getting settled in." 

They showed us the castle and they really out did themselves this time. When we saw the room we saw evidence of them having fully enjoyed themselves recently. Ropes were still attached to the head board. Drake and Pyrus had smirked while Qin blushed when asked about them.

Soon Drake was giving us a lift in his dragon form, the babies staying with Qin and Pyrus. Mania and Karla used their own wings to fly. Seeing everything from so high up was breath taking. Months of hard work, love, and dedication resulted in one of the most amazing places in the world.

I already knew we were making the best decision for our people by doing this, but seeing everything really sent that feeling home. We finally had a place we could call home and live in peace.

Well the peace is on hold for now until the humans surrender. We showed some of our hand, but who knows what the humans may have planned. We believe they'll nuke us now that our people are all gathered in one place. In preparation for that though, we put up shields. The shields around our land protect us from ariel attacks. Those same shields stretch under water to protect us from sub attacks as well. Only specially marked vessels will be able to move through the shields.

After showing us the land, we went back home. Qin and Pyrus had gotten the kids settled into their beds while we had been gone.

Cindy threw her arms around them, "You both did such an amazing job. Thank you so much for all the time, magic, and effort you put into building this wonderful place for us all to call home."

They both had bright smiles on their faces as they returned her hug.

We then ate dinner that Alice and Cindy cooked in our new kitchen that was thankfully fully stocked for us.

After eating Nathaniel and Drake went to help Alice and Cindy with the babies, Pyrus and Qin disappeared, and I stood in the foyer of the castle looking at the wall Pyrus had put in that had a photo of each of us in our royal wear with the symbol for the kingdom we came from before we unites into one. He truly out did himself this time.

I looked out of the windows and saw the land Qin had helped make. I couldn't help but wonder how much magic he exhausted. He must have constantly put himself close to burning out to try and push the land to be ready.

They were amazing.

I made my way back through the castle until I got to the room. I found Pyrus and Qin naked, and asleep, their clothes carelessly left on the floor, too tired to put them away properly. I smiled softly as I picked them up from the floor. I checked their pockets before putting their clothes in the basket. I then covered them up with the blankets before dropping a kiss on their cheeks.

Their work was done, and now it was my turn to make sure our people get settled as well as monitor the on goings from our new enemies over seas.

Nathaniel then came in and he gave the two on the bed a soft smile before he turned that smile towards me. "So how should we repay them for their hard work?" 

"I think we will be forever trying to repay them for the time, magic, and effort they put into building a safe place for our people to call home," I replied. "But we may not be able to properly start until after we've secured peace for our people and our family." 

He wrapped his arms around my waist, "You know you don't have to deal with them alone right? I know I'm not a fan of politics, but that doesn't mean I don't know about politics. Especially the war kind." 

I sighed as I wrapped my arms around him, "I know. I just don't want to add stress on to you or the others." 

"I know you love taking care of us, but we like taking care of you too," he told me. "This isn't like you trying to get your company up and started on your own. This is you trying to prevent an all out war." 

"I know I can't prevent it on my own, but I can deal with the communications on my own," I countered. 

He chuckled softly, "You're always so stubborn." He rested his forehead against mine. "We're a unified kingdom now Shelton. Let me help you." 

I closed my eyes as I released a sigh. I shoulder this weight because I want my mates to have more time for themselves and the kids. But he was right. If I allowed them to help we could evenly carry this weight and maybe relieve the pressure entirely. 

"You're right," I told him. "We are a unified kingdom and I need to start acting like we are." 

I opened my eyes and saw him smiling at me. He then gave me a kiss that was soft and sweet. He then laced his fingers with mine, "Let's go test out the new shower." Now that was an idea I could agree with, without hesitation.  

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