Chapter 17

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Shelton's POV

Drake came into my office as I went through some of the paperwork I received from the human governments. "Holy shit," he said as he looked at it all. I nodded, "This is only the beginning. These are just the files of all of the Incubi and Sucubi. Qin got lucky that he doesn't have to deal with this since the warlocks were never in their systems." "Can I just say how happy I am that I got the coronation pushed back so my father can deal with all that," he said with a chuckle.

I laughed softly and shook my head, "I bet you all are." He then sat down in the chair in front of my desk. "So what brings you in to see me," I asked him. "Any word from Aniavim," he asked me. I shook my head, "Alice managed to find a sample of the magic neutralizing stone in the library the old council had and sent it to them to compare,  they only recently got it, so it may take some time."

"I just pray we stay on this path of peace with them," he confessed and I nodded. "You and I both my dragon." "How long have you been working on these files," he asked me curiously. "Since noon," I answered. "It's almost six," he pointed out to me. "Take a break." "I don't want the stack to get higher," I told him. "You have plenty of time to get through them. Our new land won't be ready for a few months. The files aren't going anywhere any time soon," he told me. "Dinner is almost ready, and you know how Cindy gets when we miss meals." He had a point. She gave me a lecture when she brought me lunch today. I sighed and stood up.

I took his hand and laced our fingers. We found everyone at the table. Alice was eating one handed, a little Ember in one of her arms, asleep. "I have tried putting her down three times," Alice said before we could ask. "She woke up every time. She's running a low grade fever and doesn't feel good." I nodded and sat down.

"I'm gonna take her to the doctor if her fever gets any higher," Alice said while looking down at her. She was still smaller than all of her siblings and doesn't eat as much as they do. She's also not much of a crier. It tires her out much faster than the others when she does. "At least she's wanting to sleep," Cindy said. "She could be screaming her head off." This was true, but it didn't make it any less concerning. I know Karla said she will make it to adult hood, but I can't help but worry.

We ate quietly and after dinner I went to the room to get comfortable. Alice came in the room, and used her magic to begin looking through her pajama drawer. "Would you like to see if she'd let me hold her," I asked her. "She didn't let Cindy, but sure," Alice told me before I took Ember. Ember became a little fussy until I grabbed the blanket Alice often had around her when reading and breastfeeding. I draped it over my shoulder, having part of it cover my chest, and adjusted her so she was cradled close to it. She calmed down instantly because she was near Alice's scent.

Alice's eyes brightened as she watched and had an idea, "Let's cover her bed with the blanket then lay her on it." I nodded and she took Alice back and I went to do just that. Alice then laid her on the blanket. She fixed her swaddle and then we waited to see if she started crying. Thankfully she stayed asleep. But the others decided to take that opportunity to wake up. Alice smiled softly, "The never ending cycle." I chuckled and assisted her with the babies.

Once they were all settled Alice looked stiff from having held Ember for so long then the others as she fed them. "Come here," I said while taking her hand. I could hear the bath running and saw Drake in the bathroom with Cindy. Both of them were covered in glitter. "The twins had a magic mishap. Nathaniel is cleaning the media room," Drake said with a chuckle.

"Did you get Ember to lay down," Cindy asked us. "She does rather well if whoever holds her has something with Alice's scent. So we took the blanket Alice usually uses and laid it on her bed with her on it." "Praying she stays asleep for a little bit," Alice said with her fingers crossed.

When the bath was ready we all stripped and got in. I pulled Alice to me and began to massage her shoulders. Nathaniel then came in. "Such a beautiful sight," he said with a smirk before he stripped and joined us.

Alice relaxed as I worked out her knots. "Any word from the guys," Nathaniel asked us. "Well, Qin complained that Shyrah is working close with Rohan," Drake announced and Nathaniel growled softly. Cindy splashed him. "Leave her alone," Cindy scolded. "Pyrus said Rohan is going through the same thing with his own mate. Has been for two hundred years. He understands what she's going through. We leave them be unless he hurts her." Nathaniel sighed, "Fine."

I didn't know much about Rohan. I only know that Pyrus trusts him completely and that he has had a life of hell which influenced why he is the way he is. If Pyrus was okay with it, then I'll trust his judgement. I didn't know the Fae enough to make a judgment of my own. Nathaniel and Qin simply didn't like him because of their small interactions with him, and I wasn't going to go based off of that. If they gave me a legitimate reason, like he was shady and enjoyed hurting others, then okay, that's something to go off of. Not that they just didn't like him.

"Rohan isn't so bad," Alice said approvingly. "He's an ass," Nathaniel argued. "So were you when we first met but we fell in love with you anyways," I pointed out to him. He opened his mouth to argue then shut it knowing I was right. Nathaniel had been cold and stand offish, like many vampires I've come across. Like Rohan is now. We just need to give it time.

"At least its Rohan and not some criminal," Cindy said looking on the bright side. "Exactly," Alice said with a nod. "Whatever," Nathaniel grumbled. I chuckled softly, "Does someone need us to make them feel better?" "That depends," Nathaniel said. "What do you have in mind?" "We've got some time before they wake for another feeding," Alice said suggestively. "So we can do any number of things."

I moved my hands from her shoulders to snake around her and cup her breasts, "I have a few ideas how I want to enjoy all of you." Alice arched into my touch, her ass pressing against my hard cock. "Together or individually," Drake asked curiously. "I'm gonna enjoy you all at once," I told him with a smirk.  I released one of Alice's nipples to slip a finger into her ass, "And I think we'll begin our fun in here." Alice moaned as I prepped her tight hole. I then heard Cindy moan as Drake began to tease her. Nathaniel grabbed Alice by her hair and kissed her deeply. I pushed into her ass when she was ready and she moaned. Nathaniel wrapped her legs around his waist and entered her pussy. "Fuck," Alice moaned while turning her head to watch as Drake entered Cindy from behind. Nathaniel and I began to thrust into her as she and Cindy began to make out while Alice slipped her hand between her legs to play with her clit as Drake fucked her. When Nathaniel bit into Alice's neck, it set off her orgasm. Hearing Cindy's loud moans as Drake came inside her and feeling Alice's walls clamp around us, set off our own orgasms. This was only the beginning though. I planned on taking full advantage of the babies being asleep right now.

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