Chapter 13

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Cindy's POV

Today was the twins' birthday and I was so excited. Alice and I were the first ones up like usual. After feeding the babies I went to make sure everything was getting ready for the party later today. I found Mania in the ballroom, helping with the decorations. "Good morning," she said happily as she landed after hanging some streamers. "Good morning honey. How long have you been up," I asked her. "I usually wake up early. I love watching the sun rise. In the Demon realm, and in the books, there isn't a such thing as sun rise and sun set," she told me. "And since I was already awake, I decided to help with the decorating."

I smiled and nodded in understanding. We helped with the decorating until it was finished. I then went to see how the rest of my mates were waking up. Qin and Pyrus were still dead to the world while Nathaniel was showering and Drake was shaving. Shelton was in the closet getting his clothes. "Do we wake them," Drake asked, stepping out of the bathroom, towel around his waist.

The party was in an hour and they were probably gonna want to shower before it. "I'll wake them," Alice said before going over to the bed with the twins. She put them on the bed and they laughed and wiggled about, hitting the two of them. Qin peeked an eye open at Mira who had his nose. He smiled and took her hand, bring it to his lips to kiss, "Happy birthday princess." Pyrus had taken Mikal and was cuddling with him. Qin chuckled and reached over, letting his hand hover over Pyrus' face. "Don't you dare," Pyrus said before peaking an eye open. A single water droplet fell from Qin's finger tip, to Pyrus' forehead. I see Qin learned a different method to waking us up. 

Qin chuckled and sat up, holding Mira. Drake took her from him so he could get up and get dressed. Shelton and Alice went to get the other six babies ready for the party. I took Mikal from Pyrus, "Come on my little prince, let's go see if your other sisters are ready for the party." Drake carried Mira as we left the room, leaving Nathaniel to make sure Pyrus gets up. 

When the party started as soon as we stepped into the room, our parents took their grandchildren, didn't really say anything to us. They even took our teenagers too. "Love you guys too," Pyrus said to them. "Not like we're your kids or anything." "It's because they raised you," Alice said with a teasing smile. "They spent plenty of time dealing with you." We all looked at her. "Don't worry though, I look forward to putting up with you all for the rest of eternity." 

"Good," Pyrus said before kissing her cheek. We went and sat down at the table, watching the party. Never would I have thought our families would get along the way they are today. It was really nice to see. 

Alice's POV

As the party went on, I noticed Shyrah slipped from the ballroom. Qin and I stood at the same time. "We'll be right back," Qin said. "If you learn his name, let us know," Pyrus said, jaw clenched. I followed her scent down the hall and around the corner. She couldn't make it far before she slid down the wall, knees to her chest. Qin picked her up and we took her to her room. As we comforted her Qin looked at me, anger in his eyes. 

There was a knock on the door before Qin's mother came in. "When you go to the island, take her with you," she told us, sitting on the edge of Shyrah's bed. "Distance helps lessen the pain. I had to go far from your father to be able to still move when he had sex with his whore." She looked at Shyrah with eyes of understanding and sympathy. "If she keeps having to go through this, and it's too frequent, it can cause some permanent damages to her heart. I know the island will be ready in a few months, but maybe in that time, she can find someone to mate with before he goes to the island." 

Qin looked at me, "We'll take her with us when we leave." "And if he's part of one of the trades," I asked him. "Then there will be a high chance I learn who he is and handle it," Qin said and I shot him a glare. "We agreed that we aren't going to step in," I told him. "We can't threaten him to love her, but we can threaten he keep his dick to himself," Qin argued. "It can cause permanent damages to her if she keeps going through this. This is one of our babies and I can't just keep watching her go through this." I understood very well how he felt. 

After his mother left the room and Shyrah was sleeping peacefully, we went back to the party. We helped with the babies and the gifts until it was late and time to put the babies down for bed. In the room Qin sat on the edge of the bed. He took his hair down and ran his fingers through it. He then looked at Pyrus, "We're taking Shyrah with us when we go back. My mother said distance will help." 

"Our only worry is, since we don't know who it is, we don't know how long they'll be apart because he could be involved in one of the trades that come to the island," I threw in. "Mom did tell us though, if she keeps going through it so frequently, she could suffer permanent damages to her heart," Qin added in. 

"If she hasn't already," Cindy said, while looking down at the floor. "It's been happening so often." Tears came to her eyes and she sniffled. "I told Alice that if he is part of the trades, it'll allow us to better learn who it is," Qin said. "Scare him into keeping his dick to himself." "I say we cut it off," Nathaniel grumbled. 

"We can't go that far," Drake said with a sigh. "It's a nice thought though." It was, I agreed, but it was wrong. "We'll have her examined by the doctor tomorrow," Shelton declared. "Then we'll move on from there." 

"We're hoping she'll have the time to maybe find someone else," Qin said while crossing his arms. "It'll be her only salvation from this hell." "I pray she does," Cindy whispered as she wiped her eyes. "Meaning don't be over protective fathers if she does find a potential mate for herself," I said while shooting Qin and Pyrus a look. They gave me innocent looks, but didn't make any comments. We talked for a little more before going to bed. Goddess I prayed this plan went in our favor. 

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