Chapter 25

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Cindy's POV

Word about my parents' passing moved around out people quickly and right after the funeral, I hit the ground running. Shyrah and Rohan went back to the new land while Qin and Pyrus stayed in case I had another break down. In all honesty, I felt great. Yes I missed them, but I know they're no longer suffering and they're together. Plus I was doing so much that I didn't have the chance to really stop and think. Unfortunately though, because I was so busy, Alice has taken on all of the other kids. Mania and Karla have also been rather absent. We figured it was because of Mania's lessons to become a Lady. Mania and Karla have told us very little to prevent us from slipping anything to Shyrah by mistake. 

Today we received a surprise message from Aniavin, requesting a video call. We scheduled to have it today and prayed it wasn't a war declaration. 

I sat at the table feeling nervous as Queen Marshia came on to the screen. "Have you found a solution," Shelton asked her. "We have," she said with a nod. "Most of our people will be moving from the island to the island where the school was established. We will be using this island as a prison for our criminals. Those who wish to break the law can have their magic taken. That way our blood is still on the island but the rest of us can live easily." "I guess that can work," Nathaniel said with a nod. It was better than no solution. 

"We still haven't been able to find the Realm Demon King," she shared with us. "We know he is enjoying the slight chaos your world is in after your announcement to pull your people from the other countries to one of your own." 

"Well that's comforting," Drake muttered and I nodded. 

"The main reason I wanted to contact you is that while my people were hunting for the Demon King, they learned of a private meeting the human officials were having, and decided to look into their intentions. The human officials of all countries are working together to create weapons that will work on your people to try and force you all to stay and use you," she informed us. "They plan to try and assassinate the seven of you as well as your children to ensure there is no royal blood line to speak of," she informed us. We all tensed. 

They want to do what?! 

"Why tell us," Shelton asked her. "Because if they're successful, it will only be a matter of time when they learn of Aniavin and do the same to my people. I know it wouldn't be a good idea to go to war, but maybe pulling your people earlier than planned and get them to your new land will be most beneficial. However, they're watching the ports for your ships to go back and forth to report when you start to move people," she shared with us. 

"What do you want in return for this information," Alice asked her. "Peace between our people. What has happened between us was with a corrupt ruler who didn't care what happened to get what they wanted. I just want peace and a possible alliance," she shared with us. "Times have changed and it's clear the humans don't like that change." 

She was right. An alliance could be in our favor. We had more people than the humans did, but we can't go to another war. If we got our people to our land, we will finally all be unified instead of spread throughout the world. If we had an alliance, then we could finally have that peace we desperately needed for our children. 

"Thank you your highness," Qin said with a nod. "We will continue to monitor the humans for you, and see if we can learn of any time lines they may have in place," she shared with us then ended the call. 

"This is just fucking great," Nathaniel growled while Pyrus nodded. "I'll meet with the High Priestess and see if we can get transportation circles set up and move as many of our people without them seeing us," Alice shared with us. Shelton nodded and looked at Drake, "Have any flying shifters get prepared to leave as well. If they fly themselves then it'll allow the witches more magic to move others who can't fly." Drake nodded, "Will do." 

"We'll have all the merfolk go as well. They can dive deeper than any sub, allowing them to swim undetected from sonars," I added in and they nodded. 

"We need to spread word and push the work ahead," Qin said. "We can't tell our people that the weapons are looking to enslave us," I told them. "It will cause panic and maybe even make the humans move their own plans up. We can tell them that we know they're planning something and we want to get everyone away from them. Screw the paperwork, that can always get done later." 

"We'll have vampire and fae messengers use their quick speed to deliver the message and have our people get ready early. We will have the ships already scheduled for shipments stay on their schedule to not make the humans suspicious," Shelton said. "They shouldn't notice too much of a population drop since most of our people have been locking themselves away in their homes, and the drop of traffic happened as soon as the humans began to express their fear." 

"Shifter packs and forest Fae that didn't go to assist with the land should be easy to move without notice since most live in the woods where humans don't populate,"  Pyrus said. 

We continued to talk about how we would be moving. Alice then took Pyrus and Qin back to the land to talk with Shryah and Rohan while I went to start packing. I hadn't started because I thought we had months. Now we don't even know how long we even had, and that's the scariest thing about all of this. 

"Everything okay," Karla asked when she came into the media room as I began to pack the movies. "I wish I had a positive answer to that question," I confessed to her. I then explained what was going on to her since she was an adult and I knew she could understand the severity of the situation. "Mania and I will start packing our room and Shyrah's," she said with a nod. I gave her a soft smile and she left the room.

I just prayed we had enough time. Damn those humans. Why can't we just have peace? That's all I want, but clearly that's too much to ask for. Goddess this was going to be hell.

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