James 2.9

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"And you're okay with it?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I? His our son and his sexuality is none of my business and even if he's gay or bi or whatever he will always be my son and nothing in this world can change that." She replied. She smiled and excused herself. She wanted to buy something. When she left I went beside Kevin and held his hand. I stared at him and kissed him in the forehead.

"Sorry for all the things I've put you through." I whispered. I sat beside him and soon fell asleep. When morning came I was woken up by Kevin poking my cheeks.

"Why are you still here?" He asked.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Isn't this what people do when they're in love?" I said and smiled.

That day Kevin had his left foot casted. The doctor said he could be discharged after a few days. They just needed to check his other injuries but everything is okay. That day too, his friend's visited. Everything was going well and I hope it stays that way. Kevin's mom went back to La Union after he was casted. I was left to take care of Kevin and I've never been happier. Monday I gathered Kevin's friend and my own set of friends. I told them my plan for Kevin who is going to be discharged tomorrow. They were all puzzled why I'm doing this.

"Why are you doing this? Are you his boyfriend?" Jason asked. I wasn't expecting them to ask. I was busy planning I forgot we haven't told them. I was going to back down but I had enough of my cowardice. Kevin deserves the world.

"He is my boyfriend." I replied.

"Are you gay then?" Jason asked.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Luis said.

"No not at all." Jason replied. I don't know what just happened. All that matters is everything is okay. Kevin's friend asked what happened between us, even my friends are curious so I just told them everything and when everything got settled. I talked to them about my plan and they all agreed. So when tomorrow came we were all ready. I had everything prepared. I bought what needed to be bought. I contacted Roselle to be the one to discharge Kevin. I told her all my plans and she agreed.

Roselle came out of the hospital with Kevin in wheelchair. Me together with my friends and Kevin's friend welcomed him outside. We started catching people's attention and there were a lot of people watching us. My hands begun shaking. I felt like I wanna walk away but I have already decided to do this. I gathered all my courage because I am now prepared to show my love for him. Plus my friend is here to back me up. There no need to keep my love hidden.

"Kevin Herera I love you." I shouted. "I don't care what the world thinks. I've been so focused on what other people would think of me that I stopped thinking of you. For that I am sorry. I am sorry that I took you for granted and hurt you in the process." I said then handed him a bouquet of roses. I went to where our friends are and took the guitar from Luis. "This is for you." I said and pointed at Kevin. I started strumming and we prepared ourselves to sing. We sang The One by Kodaline. I choose this song because I wanted to sing this last Valentines for him but I couldn't and  now he's finally hearing it and this is also one of Kevin's favorite song. As the song progresses the more people are gathering and its making me nervous but I managed to get through the song without messing it up. When we were finished I walked closer to Kevin and took a bracelet out of my pocket.

"Give me your arm " I ordered him and he obeyed. I wore the bracelet (bracelet similar to what he gavr me) to him.

"Are you giving it back?" He said confused. I raised my wrist to show him I still got the bracelet he gave.

"I didn't knew you spend so much for this. I was going to buy a necklace but I found this." I explained. He's about to say something but I stopped him. "I'm not yet done." I said. I step beside him and signaled them to raise the banner that says: WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND? Kevin looked at me with mix emotional. He was tearing up from happiness and couldn't utter a word. Everything felt surreal. I've never felt so happy or contented. If you'd ask me if I'd fall for Kevin that first time we met, the answer is no but look at me now. I'm asking him to be my boyfriend. "Are you just gonna leave me hanging?" I asked.

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