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"There's no classes tomorrow. How about we check this new coffee shop I know? I heard they have your favorite." He said and then my face brightens from the thought of me and James being alone for a day. "So all you need is a winter melon milk tea huh?" He said to which I just smiled and he gently brushed my hair. "Where do you want to eat?" He asked. "Anywhere." I answered.

We went to our usual store to buy an iced coffee and winter melon milk tea before having our dinner. After that we called it a night and went to our dorm. I was able to sleep the moment I lay flat on my bed.

When morning came, I was woken up by a knock on my door. Then I heard James on the other side repeatedly calling my name. When I opened it, his gleaming smile greeted me. My heart started beating faster just by his smile.

"What are you doing this early?" I asked.

"Oh, you forgot? Didn't I say we'll be checking a coffee shop?" He replied. No wonder why he's so dressed.

"This early?" I asked.

"Early?" He replied with a puzzled look, "It's 10 o'clock already."

I shook in disbelief, "10 o'clock?" I repeated.

"Yup." He said.

"Let me just take a bath then." I replied.

"I'll wait for you then. I'll read some of your comics." He said and entered my room. I grabbed my towel and clothes then entered the shower. I took a quick bath because I didn't want James to wait. Right after I came out of the shower we left right away. We rode a taxi and ended up somewhere I don't know. When we got out I could already see the ambiance of the place and I'd give it a 4/5 score. It feels so cozy and welcoming.

"This place isn't really newly opened but someone suggested that I should visit it." James said, "Isn't the place cozy?" he added.

"Yeah it is." I answered as we enter, the place is better inside. We searched for a sit because the place jam-packed. Luckily, there is still a place for us. We took our usual orders, iced coffee and winter melon milk tea. We added other side dishes like onion rings, sandwich, and french fries. While waiting James asked me about my studies. He also said that if I'm having a hard time in engineering I should consider changing my major to something I like or something that suits me more.

"Although some subjects are giving me a hard time I think I can survive my major." I replied.

"Four years is a long time pursuing something you're not happy with." He said, "It's going to be hell for four years. You better think about it."

"Don't worry I like it here. It may not seem like it but I'm actually enjoying being here at the department of engineering." I replied with a smile as a reassurance.

"Well if you say so then who am I to say otherwise." He replied and just smiled back.

The food we ordered came and disrupted our conversation and I hated it. I want his attention to be focused on me. I don't know why I'm feeling this way but he's making me feel things I'm not even sure how to put in words. He's making me feel something I don't understand.

"Their iced coffee here is good." James exclaimed.

"You should try their winter melon milk tea." I said and reached out my drink to him. He then smiled and took a sip. 'It's good." He replied returning my drink, "Try mine." He handed me his drink and I happily took a sip. To be fair it is way tastier that our usual place near the university. We enjoyed our little time together and I wished it wouldn't end. If there's anything I can do to prolong this moment, I would do it. I would sell a piece of my soul if it means having more time with James but alas all thing must come to an end. As we took the last sip of our drinks and the last bite of our sandwiches the bill came, the end of this wonderful moment but there was a glimpse of hope. The day isn't finish yet. James is attending a wedding of his friend and he need to buy clothes for the wedding and he asked if I could accompany him and I happily agreed like a child going to the toy store. So right after the coffee shop we went to SM mall to check out formal shirts. He checked out one store from another, trying one shirt after another. He kept asking for my opinion which is better and I would always say they both look good on him. To be honest whatever he picked it still looks good on him. Plus, he's already handsome without him trying. In the end he went with a plain maroon long sleeve shirt and a cream slacks I chose for him. He looked like an artist I wanted to say but I kept my thoughts to myself. After that we went to a barber shop to have his hair cut. He asked me what haircut he should get to which I replied a trim would be good but still the choice was his to make. While waiting I check out my phone. As I was scrolling down as post about bullying caught my attention. A gay student was bullied from our department. The post made my throat dry. It got me thinking what future I am going to have if I don't control these feelings.

Meant For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora