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I was supposed to bring him to his room but he wanted to stay over my room for a while. He wanted to check out my comic collection. So we stayed there and talk while he browses on my collection. He checked out my camera to see the places I have visited after browsing my comics. We sat on my bed as he checked on my photos. We were so close to each other as we had to share the tiny screen of my camera. I almost could feel him breathing. He kept asking me about the places and I would answered in return but I couldn't help but be distracted by his hazel brown eyes that have captivated me. My hand started sweating and my throat starting to dry. "What is this feeling?" I thought to myself. I tried to focus my sight in the camera. I tried dismissing the thoughts that are distracting me. I try my hardest to stay focus on what James is saying but the sight of me and James kissing, like in the movies, kept bugging me. Is this how love is supposed to feel? I pondered. Since I learn the concept of love, this is the only time I'm feeling like this. I'm scared and I don't understand what's going on. I tapped James and said I need to use the comfort room. Upon entering I look at the mirror and asked myself, "What's wrong with you?" I pat my cheeks "Calm down you're both guys, you can't possibly be in love." I said to myself. I opened the faucet and wet my face. I tried to get rid of the feelings and thoughts. I smiled and wipe my face with a towel. "Calm down." I said to myself again.

"Kevin! I'm going back to my room already. It's getting late." James shouted.

"I'll be there." I replied and pull myself together before going out. When I got out James was already standing. He then said, "What are you waiting for aren't you gonna help me to my room?"

I walked towards him and I tripped which made me fell over him and he fell on his butt and his head hits the wall slightly. I immediately stood up and helped him up. "I'm sorry." I kept repeating myself. I checked his head for injury and gladly there was none. I was so caught up with what happened that I didn't realize I was so close to him. So close I could smell his aromatic perfume with a hint of his own rich body scent. I pulled myself away and he started realizing I'm acting weird.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm just tired." I replied.

"Let's get me back to my room so you can rest already." He said.

Before we left I gave him my cold compress and helped him to his room. As soon as I went back to my own room, I threw myself in my bed where we once sat. I tried to remember what just happened and smiled like a child who just receive a present. I buried my face in my pillow as I feel the fire burning my face. "What is this feeling?" I kept asking myself, denying the answer my body is telling me.

With chaos ruling my mind I didn't realize I fell asleep. When I woke up it was pass breakfast. I immediately went to James and Luis opened the door. There he was with his friends eating. I didn't come in since he had company, instead I just went back to my room and took a bath. I went to my usual place to order a winter melon milk tea but soon changed my mind and bought an iced coffee. When my friends saw me they were puzzled as to why am I drinking an iced coffee but I just smiled and changed the subject. When lunch came I still went with James and even for dinner, this had been my happy little task until James was able to walk. I even told our president in the theater club I wouldn't be able to attend the workshops because of my set up. Everything went back to normal when James' foot healed. After class we would attend the workshop and go home together.

James and I are closer than ever. My time with my friends wasn't affected though because we still go together to eat lunch and we hang out before the workshop starts. As a matter of fact, Fred have been trying to solo me. One afternoon he told me to accompany him to buy us drinks and that was weird. First, he never buys us drinks. Second, he never insisted on buying us drinks. Because of that I knew he wanted to talk to me about something. So after our math class we told the group we'd be buying drinks. On the way I asked him what's wrong.

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