James 2.8

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"Kevin what are you doing here?" I tried to appear calm.

"Why do you look so shock. Are you expecting someone else?" He asked.

I was tongue tied. I didn't know what to say and all I could manage is "No." I said.

"Go back to your bed. You're supposed to be resting." He said.

"I thought you left?" I asked as I regained myself.

"Go to bed." He repeated and I just did what he said. "I went to buy your medicines, a thermometer, and some fruits. I also bought your favorite iced coffee along the way." He said and handed the iced coffee to me. He fixed the fruits in the table and handed me my medicine. "You take it now." He said and I did. I thought he was going to leave but he sat in my study table and looked at me.

"Aren't you supposed to be somewhere?" I asked.

"Where would I go? It's weekend we don't have classes." He replied.

"To your girlfriend." I said.

"What?" He asked confused.

"You don't have to act. I saw you with a girl clinging in your arms as you went out of your room." I said.

He started laughing and then he asked, "And when did this happen?"

"A few weeks ago." I answered comfused as to why he was laughing.

"That's probably Margaret." He continued laughing. I don't know who Margaret is and I'm intrigued. He stopped laughing and went to me. "You should get some sleep." He said and took my half finished iced coffee. I wanted to get it back but I just did what he told me.

"Who's Margaret?" I asked.

"She's my friend. Now, go to sleep." Kevin said. I wanted to discuss more but the medicine is making me sleepy. So I just did what I'm being told to.

I was expecting this dream to be done. I knew that when I wake up Kevin wouldn't be here. I know this and have accepted our fate but boy was I wrong. When I woke up Kevin was beside me playing on his phone. When he noticed me he took his phone away.

"You're still here?" I said.

"Yeah why? Do you not want me here? Should I leave?" He asked.

"No but I'm just curious why you stayed." I said.

"Because that's what people do when they're in love, they stay." He replied smiling.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"What I'm saying is that I love you. I thought I could forget about you but it turns out I can't. I'm not so sure why but you're the only person who made me feel this way." He explained.

"But how about Cath?" I asked.

"What about Cath?"He asked confused.

"Didn't you give her flower? Don't you feel anything for her?" I said.

"I returned the flowers to her and I also gave back what she paid. How can I fall for someone else when I'm still falling for you." He replied.

"What?" I said. I couldn't believe on what I'm hearing. Kevin is telling me he loves me and that I just can't help but smile.

"I'll be buying food. Is there anything you want?" Kevin asked.

"Sisig with a lot of chili." I replied, he then smiled and left. I was so happy that I wanted to jump and shout. I can still win Kevin. Our love story doesn't end yet. We can still work things out. I can still make it up with him, I can still correct what I have done, so this time I don't want to fail him. I'm ready to tell him and tell the world that I love him. Everything can still end in a happily ever after. So I thought. I forgot to tell him to buy an iced coffee so I went out to meet him but the most horrifying scene happened. Kevin was about to cross the street to be with me but a taxi came rushing and hits him before hitting a electric pole. Everything happened in a flash that I couldn't move a muscle at first. I saw Kevin laying down. He's legs were covered in blood. What should I do? When I snapped out of shock, I rushed to Kevin. I scream for help as people flocks around us. Gladly a taxi passed by and let us ride. We rushed to the hospital and I was starting to lose my mind. I couldn't control my emotions.

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