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"What are you doing?" He asked with a smile. That was the first time he smiled at me, most of the time he looks like he wants to punch me, and it warmed my heart for some reason. "He isn't much of devil." I thought to myself and smiled back at him.

"I'm cooking for you. Don't you remember? It's our anniversary." I said.

He was shocked on how our scene progresses. For a minute he was out of his character but it wasn't long before he was able to bounce back and smiled. "How could I forget?" He said. He then reaches from his back and presented a make believe object and before he could even show it to me I jumped repeatedly like a child going to an amusement park. I squealed "yes" repeatedly mustering the highest pitch I can. He was annoyed at first but he had to play his part he showed me a make believe ring case and opened it. I reached my left hand to him and offered my ring finger so that he can make me wear our make believe ring. I was enjoying the little scene but he was clearly annoyed as he smiles sarcastically from time to time. Apparently annoying him is the best feeling the world can offer for now. I was called back to sit and the workshop went on, one after the another until everyone was able to act.

The workshop ended with a cheers and before we left Emily approached me and said. "You're so good tonight."

"He's not good. You just enjoyed what happened. You, creepy lady." James reacted when he overheard Emily.

"Why don't you date each other?" Emily said grabbing me and James.

"Not a chance! I'm straight remember? So stop pairing me with him." James replied.

"I'm willing to be gay just for you." I replied as a joke and grinned.

James sarcastically laughed and broke free from Emily's hold and went ahead of us.

"You really like annoying him don't you?" Emily said.

"Not really." Emily then let me go and went to other club members.

James was nowhere to be found so I just decided to go to where I usually buy my drink. I ordered my usual, winter melon milk tea, but I was handed with an iced coffee.

"This isn't my order." I said to the vendor.

"Oh, this isn't for you. We're still making yours." The vendor replied.

Then someone appeared in my back and said, "Is my order done?" when I looked back it was James.

"Here." The lady replied handing him his order, his usual iced coffee. He didn't talk to me or even looked at me. He just got his order and left. "I must have hit a nerve." I thought to myself then smiled and for some reason I felt bad.

When I got my drink, I went to a sisigan nearby to have my dinner. The place was jam-packed and there was only one table left. Luckily I got it. I ordered my food and used my phone while waiting for my order. I was scanning through my Facebook news feed when someone asked if they could share a table with me. I was so caught up with what I was reading I just said yes. When I checked on who's sharing a table with me I almost chocked over my milk tea. It was James. He just casually took a sip from his iced coffee and greeted me with a simple, "Yow."

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Dinner." He answered coldly.

"Oh, I thought you missed me." I responded to his coldness and winked.

He sarcastically laughed and smile then said, "Not a chance!" He's so cute when he does that. "Anyway the school's sports fest is in a few weeks. So if you're planning to join any sports, inform our president that you won't be able to attend workshop for a while." He added.

Meant For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora