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"I'll leave you two then." Camille said.

"Thanks for dropping by." James said. They said their goodbyes and Camille left. James repeatedly called my name but he got no response because I was spacing out, he then tapped me.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm just hungry." I said. I helped James to go to the table and we had our breakfast.

"Thank you for this." He said.

"I didn't know what you like so I choose what I like but there one thing I'm sure you like." I said and presented the iced coffee.

He took at iced coffee and took a sip then said slowly, "Perfection." Which was way too dramatic for him.

"By the way who is Camille? If you don't mind me asking. Is she your girlfriend?" I pried.

"She was." He replied, "She came over to check on me when she heard about my injury."

"Do you still love her?" I asked diving into personal matters I'm not supposed too.

"Not really love but I will always have feelings for her." He replied, "Enough about her. Let's talk about you. What's gotten into you. Why did you bring foods over?"

"Can't a junior care for his senior. Let's just say this is my payment when you helped us out in the bar." I replied.

"I'll dig in then." He said and munched his breakfast.

After breakfast I had to leave James to attend my class. The university resumed classes right after the sports fest. Because of the sports fest I seemed to gain popularity, as there are eyes staring at me as I walk the corridor now. It's not that I'm not grateful or what, but it is bothering me. Don't even get me started there, when I entered our room. Fred welcomed me in the most embarrassing way possible. He was holding a paper with MVP written on it and kept cheering like the game haven't ended yet. He was so loud and wouldn't shut up. Gladly, our professor came in.

"Mr. Salazar, if you want to keep cheering you can go to the gym right now." Our professor said making Fred sit down and shut up. The day went on but not like the usual. My classmate congratulated me and even those who are in another class. What's shocking is even the older years seems to know me now. For a while there, I almost felt like a celebrity in our department. Anyway we had our lunch an hour earlier because our professor is absent. So Fred invited us to eat in a new café not far from our university but I had to decline. I said goodbye to my friends before they can even ask questions. I went on to buy an iced coffee and winter melon milk tea then went to buy two orders of sisig with a handful of chili. I went back to my dorm and check out James resting in his room.

"Why are you here?" he asked puzzled.

"I bought you lunch." I replied smiling.

"Wait a minute then." He said and picked his phone. He called his friends and said not to bring him lunch anymore. "Anyway thanks for the lunch."

"No need to thank me." I replied.

"I'll just pay you then.' He said.

"No need really. Your thank you is enough." I replied.

"Then I won't eat your food then." He insisted.

"Okay." I said in defeat. "It will be 150 pesos." He handed me the money and went to the table limping.

"Why did you bring me lunch?" He asked.

"Because a wife should care for his husband." I said in a joking manner.

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