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"They can stay at my place. They can't even stand on their own. It's safer." Eric suggested.

"Won't your mom get mad?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. My parents are out of town." Eric replied.

It was then settled. We waited outside of the bar for a taxi and gladly there was a taxi that agreed to let us ride. James offered help. He said he would go with us and we gladly took his offer. Eric sat in front of the taxi while the five of us sat at the back. James sat in between of Fred and Margaret, who used him as a human pillow. He was clearly uncomfortable but he didn't move their head away. I looked out of the taxi and smiled. "He isn't so bad." I thought. I found myself smiling throughout the trip. 

When we arrived at Eric's place Fred and Margaret vomited in front of Eric's house. After they finished vomiting, we went in and place the girls in a vacant room while Fred's staying in Eric's room.

"You can stay here if you want. We have one more vacant room for the two of you." Eric suggested.

"I'm fine. I'm not that drunk. I can still go home." I replied.

"I'm just helping you guys." James added.

"James right?" Eric asked and James nodded, "Thanks for the help."

"Don't worry about it. Were from the same school and from the same department." James replied, "I'll be going then."

"We'll be going." I said and Eric escorted us to their gate.

While outside I tapped James' shoulder and thanked him.

"You're my junior, no matter how obnoxious you are. Plus, you guys clearly needed my help." He replied.

"Are you going back to the bar?" I asked.

"No, I was about to go home when I bumped into you guys." He replied.

"Sorry for the inconvenience." I said.

"Don't sweat it. You can buy me an iced coffee if you want." He replied.

There it is again the iced coffee. I looked at him and I swear I have met him somewhere. After almost a 30-minute wait a taxi finally arrived. We both sat at the back. I was so exhausted and sleepy that I didn't realize I dozed off. When I woke up my head was resting in James' shoulder. I immediately straighten up and apologized.

"Were here." James said.

"I'll pay for the fare." I said.

"Don't worry about it. It's paid."

"Let me pay you then."

"You can buy me an iced coffee for breakfast.

I then agreed and we got off the taxi. We went straight to our room. We just walked and never said anything to each other. I went straight to bed and fell as sleep as soon as I lay my head.

Ever since that night I saw James differently. He isn't an asshole, to be exact he's the complete opposite. Starting that day, we see each other more frequently because of the theater club and we start going home together. Although we meet more frequently he never got friendlier to me, to be exact he scolds me more. Always pointing out how noisy or annoying I am. I'm starting to think he hates me but that could partly be my fault since I started enjoying annoying him. It's weird but when I see his face annoyed it kind of lightens my day. This kind of set up made me see how kind James is and his acting skills are really good. He can easily internalize his character in an instant but then our prelim exam came, so they had to cancel our acting workshops for us to be able to study. In those time I wasn't able to see James. Weirdly enough it feels weird not seeing him. We live in the same dormitory buy I rarely see him. For a week I wasn't able to see him.

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