James 2.3

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"What do you need?" He asked.

"Can we talk?" I asked and as a response  he opened the door fully to let me in but he didn't say anything. I still went in and started to explain myself but I had nothing decent to say. What I did is unreasonable.

"You're forgiven." He replied with a straight face. This isn't him. I must have hurt him. I stood close to him and asked what I can do for him to forgive me.

He suddenly smiled and replied. "Kiss me."

I smiled at the sight of his smile. I took a deep breath and held his cheeks. "Are you sure?" I asked.

He looked into my eyes and said, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I held his gaze and grabbed his waist then pulled him closer to me. I could feel my heart beating faster and my breathing is becoming unsteady. The anticipation is killing me. Slowly we reached for each other until my lips met his. I felt him nibble and I pulled back. I tried not to smile but my emotions overwhelms me that I couldn't help but smile.

"Do you like my lips?" He teased me.

I replied with my usual sarcastic laugh and said, "I'm gonna go back now. I need to review."

"Don't you want to review me?" Kevin continued teasing me and as a response I glared at him. "Okay, okay I'll stop." He said smiling. "But can I kiss you again?" He asked. I sighed and grabbed him closer to me. I kissed him quickly and let him go. "There's your kiss." I said and smiled. He let go of a chuckle and smiled.

I then left him and went back to my room. Once I got there I threw myself in my bed burying my burning red face. We just kissed and I didn't know what to do. I kept repeating the picture of our kiss in my head and I couldn't help but to smile like an idiot. I truly am in love with Kevin. The last time I felt this way was with Camille. Oh how I miss this feeling. I decided not to study instead, I went to sleep but sleep didn't come easy because the image of me and Kevin kissing kept playing in my mind. The sensation in my lips wouldn't leave. But I eventually fell asleep but with a huge smile on my face. Days passed and we would only meet in the theater workshops and our dorm because we became busy, because of the incoming final exam. I tutored him from time to time in his room. After the exam came our semesteral break. This means going home and that means we wouldn't be seeing each other for a long time but Kevin has another plan. He booked a resort in Pangasinan and asked me to stay with him. He's such a prince, he gets what he wants so easily. I agreed to stay with him if he would let me pay for the other half of what he has paid. He never fails to amuse me. And just like what he planned we spent the first few days of the break together in a resort. The resort was a beach resort with its own pools but since it was holiday season there was quite a crowd.

"Let's go out and see the sunset." Kevin said while wearing his short sleeves polo.

"Stop showing off your body. Close your shirt." I scolded him.

He took off his polo and wore a sleeveless undershirt before wearing his short sleeves polo. "Is this better?" He turned to me and grabbed his camera.

"Yeah." I replied but he stopped me from leaving our room.

"You're leaving with just a sleeveless undershirt?" Kevin said.

"Yes! What's wrong with it?" I replied.

"Nothing, you just look so sexy someone might fish you." Kevin said. I laughed sarcasticly and went out of the room, which Kevin immediately followed after locking our room. We went to the desk to leave our keys before heading to the beach. Kevin kept taking pictures of me that it started to annoy me. I think he's doing it in purpose yet somehow I'm enjoying the attention he's giving me. He then held my hand and led me into the water.

Meant For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora