KEVIN 1.12

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But for today instead of sulking I went with Elizabeth and James who invited me to go out. It was supposed to be the five of us but Margaret and Eric were busy. So it just the three of us. We met at SM mall before lunch to which we decided to have lunch before doing anything. We ate at Elizabeth's favorite restaurant.

"You should have just asked me not to come, so you can have Elizabeth for you the whole day." I said to Fred while Elizabeth was using the toilet.

"You're supposed to be here. To help me win her." Fred replied.

"What do you want me to do? I'm just getting in your way." I said.

"Be my wing man." Fred said nervously, "I don't know what to do when Elizabeth is around." He added.

"Just be yourself. You don't need a wing man." I told Fred.

Elizabeth came and asked what we were talking about. I just smiled and replied, "food."

"Let's order then." Elizabeth said and so we ordered. What's funny was Elizabeth and Fred ordered the same food, although Fred ordered first. Did this guy just made a research about Elizabeth or is it just a coincidence? It made me wonder. Is he this in love with Elizabeth? Seeing this side of Fred made me respect him more as a man. A man who's willing to do everything to be with his love. It made me remember all the corridors I have ran and every calls I made just to see or even just hear James. All the tears I've cried because of him. It made me question whether my efforts were enough or he's just straight and that no matter what I do there will never be a chance. I just let go of a sigh because no matter what the answer is, the only thing I can and must do is to move on.

"What are you sighing about? Don't you like the food?" Fred noticed me

"No not all. I just remembered our report. I still haven't finished ours." I replied.

"If you're that busy we can go home after this." Elizabeth said.

"No that's crazy." I replied and smiled, "Plus there's a romance movie I want to watch." I added.

"Anyway why are you the only one working on your group's report?" Fred asked.

"Well I'm just doing the presentation and the other members will be the one discussing and presenting. So I kinda have the upper hand." I replied

Enough with the school works. We're here to enjoy." Elizabeth said

"Indeed." I agreed

We finished our food and went to the cinema to watch the movie I was suggesting. It was a romance film and I am a fan of the director's work. This movie will surely set the mode for Elizabeth and Fred. In the cinema Elizabeth was between me and Fred. Before the movie started Fred handed Elizabeth a popcorn and the she offered some to me. There i realized I am getting in the way of this two. So I made myself scarce. Before the movie started I excused myself. I told them I was gonna go to the toilet but I fled. I am sure they would be a little pissed but this is better than being a third wheel. Still I had to make some excuses so I just texted my stomach got ill and left the cinema. I know it's the lamest excuse to make but what can they do. Plus I am already out of the scene. 

On my way out of the cinema I saw James with a girl not far away. I didn't recognize the girl but I am sure it was James. The girl was wrapped around James. I guess this is my sign to give up. James is a straight guy and that I don't have a chance since the beginning. Why did I even think I have a chance. I walked at the other side of the mall to avoid James and his girl. It sucks to be me I guess. I walked the lively mall with a broken heart when I came across a stall that sells iced coffee. I decided to buy one. I don't know why but I just did. I took a sip and wondered. "What's so special in this one that he likes it so much? Why does he like iced coffee so much? And just like that he's inside my head all over again. Is this how love works? It leaves you helpless and hopeless. I just shrugged my head dismissing every thoughts of him. "You gotta pull yourself together." I reminded myself. With nowhere else to go to I decided to go back to my dorm not to sulk but to make myself busy. After all I entered college to study and not to be in a relationship. For weeks I've been trying to keep myself busy and with it I started seeing James bit by bit. I would bumped into him but I wouldn't mind him and he doesn't mind me back. We acted like we never knew each other. I'd be lying if I said it doesn't hurt but maybe it's for the better. So in this way I can move on much faster. It feels weird being in love. Anyway there is an upcoming event in a few weeks, where different department is to showcase their department. There would be performances and booths. Fred is such excited because he was the one who informed us. Everyone is looking forward to it since there wouldn't be any classes for that day and we get to visit other department and probably get to know other people.

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