KEVIN 1.11

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"Yeah." I replied and he immediately took the camera and took pictures of us. The whole room was in a mess.

"Where do you travel?" Eric asked.

"Puerto Prinsesa, Siargao, and Coron are but the few places I've been to." I replied.

"To be able to travel at a young age you must be rich?" Margaret commented.

"My parents are but not me." I replied to her.

"Oh my gosh let's get married already." Margaret coiled her arms around mine.

"I thought you like James." I replied jokingly.

"Well yeah, let's have a polygamous relationship then." She replied and laughed at her own words.

"You're crazy you know." Eric commented.

When everyone settled we started playing the games Fred brought. We formed a circle in my bed where we played. It was fun and for a while I forgot all my worries. Thanks to my friends everything is a bit bearable. They stayed until the afternoon and when they left I was alone with my thoughts again. My worries rise again. I buried my face in my pillows and screamed my frustration. I hated this feeling. He could have at least told me what's wrong. In the midst of chaos, a familiar voice called me from the door. I stood up and rushed to open it and he was there standing holding my comics.

"I'm returning your comics." He said and handed it to me.

"I almost forgot about them. Thanks." I replied trying to sound casual.

"I'll be going then. There's a project I need to finish. I'm quite busy since the exams are near." He replied coldly.

I stopped him for this is my only chance to clear things between us. "Can we talk?" I said.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

"Are you avoiding me?" I asked. What a dumb question. It was obvious but I wanted to hear it from him but he lied to me.

"No, I'm just really busy lately." He replied, "Anyway I really need to go." And just like that he was gone again. There was no peace.

For weeks we wouldn't meet and he stopped attending the workshops too. I almost never see him. I still try to contact him through calls but I get no answer every time I try. The exam has passed and I was hoping I'd see him but not even his shadow can be seen. As days goes by the more anxious I become. It's like being punished every day and I don't even know why I have to undergo this pain. Still with all of this happening I still need to attend school. I need to attend my classes if I want to graduate, which I plan to. Good thing was I have a good set of friends. If it wasn't for them I would have gone crazy already. It is because of them that I manage to smile.

When I was giving up my hope for James, he suddenly called me one day while I was in my room.

"Kevin?" He greeted.

"Yes?" I asked trying not to sound so excited.

"Hey Emily asked me if we could borrow your camera?" He asked.

"Sure, but before that can I ask something?" I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Did you perhaps hear my confession?" I asked and there was silence, a dreadful silence. "If you heard it. Is it the reason why your avoiding me?" I continued talking but still there was silence. It almost felt like I was talking to myself. I took a deep breath and continued talking, "I'm sorry for feeling this way. I didn't mean for this to happened. I know you're a guy and I'm a guy so I shouldn't be feeling this way but I couldn't stop myself." James then cut me mid-sentence.

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