XXXIII. The Outsider

Start from the beginning

"We fought really hard to get here," Emma said.

"But with what Regina did to Archie, Storybrooke ain't as safe as we thought," Leroy reminded her.

"We're going to find her. There's only so many places she can hide."

"We've dealt with her before, we'll do it again," Mary Margaret said.

"But it's not just her," Leroy noted. "The curse is broken. There's a whole world full of people beyond the town line that don't know who or what we are. Ever think of what might happen if one of them here to come pay us a visit?"

"He's right," Ruby agreed. "What if they see, you know, magic? Like a girl turning into a wolf, for example? Folks weren't exactly understanding back in our world."

"Okay, let's not worry about 'what ifs'," Emma told them. "No one is here."

"Yet," Leroy stated. "Maybe they come, maybe they don't. But that doesn't change the fact that while we might enjoy things like penicillin, we're a bit homesick."


Mr. Gold and Belle were walking along the main street back to Mr. Gold's shop.

"Where are you going?" Belle questioned.

"The shop," Mr. Gold replied.


"Well, let's just say, there are many wonderful things in there, that I could use to make sure that pirate never comes near you ever again."

"Rumpel, no. We... We need to report this to the Sheriff. They'll take care of him. You're so close to finding your son. Please. Please, don't let your hatred for this man get in the way of that."

"But he tried to harm you."

"But why? What... What happened between you two?"

"Belle... This is not really your concern."

"He attacked me. It most definitely is my concern."

"Many years ago, I was married to a woman named Milah... Until Hook crossed our paths."

"She was Baelfire's mother?"

"Yeah. And because of that marauding cur, he grew up without her. He took my wife - he took Bae's mother - so I took his hand."

"That's why he came after me. But, uh, what... What about her? What... What did he do? Rumpel, you can... You can tell me anything."

"She died. That's all that matters."

They arrived at the shop and entered. Inside, they discovered that the entire shop had been ransacked.

"What happened here?" Belle wondered.

"Hook," Mr. Gold said. "This is why he attacked you."

"To get you out of the store. What did he want?"

Mr. Gold checked the safe and found it empty.

From a nearby rooftop, Hook spied on the pair through a telescope. Smee, holding the stolen shawl, joined Hook.

"You have it, Mr. Smee?" Hook questioned.

"What is it, Captain?" Smee asked.

"It's the end of the crocodile's hope. Now he's trapped here."


Mr. Gold began smashing things with his cane until Belle stopped him.

"Rumpel!" Belle called. "Rumpel! Stop it! Stop, please."

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