chapter 10

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Ally's POV
I woke up as my alarm click rang loudly in my ear causing me to jerk up, I quickly switched it off as I stretched in my bed.
I was about to lie down when it dawned to me 'I AM GOING TO NIGERIA TODAY, OMG', I quickly got up and left to wake my siblings in their rooms, after waking my siblings up I quickly left to get ready. I walked into my room and looked around and took a deep breath ,the thought of leaving this this place is like piercing a dagger through my skin,I will be going to a country that I have no life in with only one friend that I am not even sure she still wants see me, I will be leaving my friends here,Diane and Betty and my new school I was starting to enjoy,why mum why. This not fair....
"Ally we are here" I heard Diane scream followed by footsteps coming upstairs and my door swung open as I quickly turned to face them.
"Ally why are you crying" Betty said as she came closer, I didn't even notice the I was crying till I felt a salty taste in my mouth.
"Ally please stop crying, it will be okay" Diane said as she hugged me as I began crying harder on her shoulder.
"I can believe this is actually happening" I said as I cried harder.
"Shh it's OK baby girl, please clean your tears, we are here for you" Betty said as she joined the hug patting my back while Diane stroke my hair.
"I love you guys" I said trying to clean my years that just kept pouring.
" we love you too"they chorused. I quickly wiped my tears and entered the bathroom to take my bath. I finished taking a shower and I washed my hair dyed it black(it was brown before) and curled it a little and came out to show the girls.
"Girls how do you see my new hairstyle" I said as I stepped out of the toilet.
"Omg girl, Nigeria is going to know Ally Jackson has landed" Diane squealed as she touched my hair.
"Diane calm down I have not even dressed yet"i said as I walked towards my dresser where I hung my clothes.
" sooo" Diane said as she rolled her eyes, I am surely going to miss this girl. I brought out my black and purple striped short jumpsuit with glitter on it and my black sneaker and entered the toilet to put it on, when I wore it I came out to show the girls.
"So what do you think" I said i as I admired  myself in the mirror.
"Girlfriend let me be truthful I am so jealous, I never knew you are this beautiful, I don't think Jim knows want he lost" she said and my countenance changed, in case you are wondering who Jim is well he is my ex and he really broke my heart.
"Diane why did you  make that comment take it back, and please Ally don't let that spoil your mood okay"Betty said and I gave her a fake smile.
" that smile is so fake, I know you too well so that smile is not genuine at all,common smile I am sorry i didn't mean to make you sad" Diane said as she hugged me and felt so good.
"Okay enough of the mushiness, we still have save our tears for when we get to the airport" Betty said and we all laughed.
"So ally take a seat we are doing your makeup today" Diane said as she brought a set and placed it in front if the mirror and I sat.
"Guys I am only travelling to Nigeria and I am not even going to any party just my aunt's house" I said.
"Come on that's more reason you should look nice, you might not know who you meet there, your prince in shining armour can be any where so be prepared" Diane said as we laughed at her craziness, I will really miss them. We talked about so many things as they did my make-up and packed my remaining belongings.
"Girls I have got an idea" Diane said running inside the room with Anna on her tail looking confused.
"What"we asked.
" let's go shopping, and have a little girls time, and by the way doesn't take off till 3pm" Diane said dragging Anna into the room.
"That sounds like a great idea,what do you think Ally" Betty said and all eyes were in me pleading, I couldn't possibly say no.
"Sure, that will be great" I said as everyone screamed in excitement except I and Betty of course we are the sane ones.
"Okay,so enough of the screams let's get going, the mall is big and we are shopping madly so we need to get going, so we can come back before two and head to the airport" Betty said and we all stood up and left the room happily.
"Audrey we are going to the mall are you coming" I screamed as we got downstairs.
"Nah I will skip" he said as he walked down the stairs.
"Audrey Jackson get your lazy self to the car" I yelled as he wanted to go back up after taking snacks from the fridge.
"What's the point of asking if I wanted to go if you will still force me, it's just pointless" he whined as he came back down and I just laughed it off.
"I am so sorry that's how it it" I said as I caught my breath  from laughing so hard.
"Urrgg you girls are just gonna give me an ear ache or probably a headache,so just call a doctor" he joked.
"Stop being overdramatic and get in the car" Anna says as she leaves the house, i didn't even notice she was there.
"Just go" I said finally as I pushed him out and locked the front door and entered Diane's car and we left.
When we got there we all went to different places to pick what we wanted, at first I wanted to argue because of the money but Diane said and I quote" common, it your last day here, the money is on me take what you want" so I will just do as I am told take what
I want no matter the cause right so here' it goes' I said to my self as I entered the shoes and clothes section, this is gonna be so fun.
I quickly picked a lot of shirts and tops too, you know in case and also shorts and some joggers,sweatpants and a few jeans. I picked some gowns I found cute or should I say beautiful. I also picked some shoes, so many sneakers I don't really believe in heels so I picked only 5 to add the ones I have and some flats which I know I will only wear the sneakers but you know just for keeping sake and I left to check in others.
I say I was looking around I bumped into someone' urgg what's wrong with me bumping into people in the mall' I said inwardly as I looked to see who I bumped into and sadly it was no other person but Jim Reynolds, so much for a good name and face but bad person.
"And what is miss pauper doing in the mall, or are you done with begging already, you are using your poor mother's money to buy yourself clothes, awww" he said as I  look up to him before looking away to avoid any trouble because I could really kill him now.
"Look James ,Jim or what ever you are called, go over to your little sis she is calling her big brother to help her, and he is being a jerk to her, because you are clearly not affecting me with your words sooo, I will like to go now and see later or should I say never" I said as I turned to  go as I saw Diane and Betty waving to me.
"Pretty stupid and poor as well what a problem or should I say trait" I heard jim say and I was so angry the next thing I saw was an angry Jim looking at me and holding his cheek, yeah yeah I slapped him but he brought it upon himself.
"Look do not ever insult or even talk about my family again, and FYI we aren't poor I don't just like to show off sooo" is said as yea that's true we aren't as poor as people think we just don't show it off, my mom is a business tycoon and is into modelling as well how could we be possibly be poor, we aren't show off like some people here.
I walked over to the guys and they were all looking at me with different emotion filled eyes.
"What" I said but no one seems to notice my presence.
"Earth to you guys" I said snapping my fingers at their faces.
"Ooh sorry" Betty said as they all continued looking at me.
"Ally, you know you just slapped Jim and insulted him too, I thought his words don't get to you" Diane said in disbelief after a while of staring without blinking.
"Yea, what's the big deal" I said shrugging it off.
"I thought you said you wouldn't touch him, that 'he can change' " she said raising her hand to quote as she said that last part and I laughed.
"Well apparently he doesn't want to change so, I wanted to use my last day to do something nice" I said smiling as I was looking at Jim still holding his cheeks .
"Come on guys it's 1:30 already we still need to go to Ally's house to get their bags"Betty said.
" okay guys let's go"I said as we carried our shopping bags and left the mall but not before giving it a proper goodbye.

Yaayy another chapter, this chapter took some time to write but I did it, though there is not much drama, just wanted to add a little of Jim Reynolds before she leaves and FYI this is not the last time we will be hearing from him, we will hear from him in chapters to come, he is part of the important characters but not main.
Please don't forget to vote and comment and read plsss,thank you see ya.

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