♥Chapter 15♥

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   Ally's POV
We were directed to our separate classes by the secretary whose name I learnt was Miss Clara. I walked up to the door which Miss Clara said was the class assigned to me, grade 11A(science) was written on it. I knocked on the door since was closed they were probably learning.
"Go check whose at the door" I heard a voice say, it sounds like a man. Omg I am so freaking scared right now, I was about to turn back when the door creaked open.
"Hey" A girl said opening the door wider asking me to enter.
"Thanks" I said moving my hair to the back of my ear. As I walked in and all eyes were on me,I filled hard wishing the floor would open and swallow me,I bent my head avoiding eye contact,
"Are you the new student" the man asked in a hushed tone,
"Yes"I whisper shouted still avoiding any eye contact.
"Okay,would you mind introducing yourself" he said the words I have been dreading to hear,
"Hey,I am Anna,nice to meet you all"I said not looking at any one at all, I couldn't here their whispers but I grabbed a few,"she doesn't look like she is from around here"a girl said,"she better not snatch my boyfriend"another girl said,who cares about her boyfriend anyways. I quietly walked to an empty seat at the back as the teacher faced the class to continue teaching.
I sat getting my writing materials out and began jotting down what he was saying, I felt someone coming closer too me but I ignored it and continued what I was doing.
"Hey"I heard a small girlish voice at my side and I just had to turn cause she sounded nice.
"I like your accent back there,are you from Nigeria?"She asked with a smile which I returned.
"I am from here but I didn't actually grow up here"I said back nicely and her smile grew wider.
"So where did you grow up"she asked still excited,
"Canada"I replied.
"Wow"she said happily,
"Ooh by the way I am Charlotte"she said,
"An...."I wanted to say my name but she stopped me,
"Anna,I know and besides I love your name"she said with so much enthusiasm. I think I like her,
"We will talk after class"I told facing the teacher again and she nodded as she faced the teacher too,thus might not be that bad.

I really like Charlotte, She is cool and full of life but I have not seen anyone actually talk to her other than me since I got here,she seemed fun so she should have friends.
"Where are your friends?"I asked her as we walked towards our locker which was surprisingly beside mine,I looked at her and saw the hurt and sadness in her eyes and I immediately regret asking her that,
"I am sorry"I said not knowing what else to tell her.
"It's fine,I got no friends"she said slowly and I feel so bad right now that the Charlotte that was all excited is gloomy.
"You wanna talk to my friends,I said remembering my friends.
"Really,you want me to talk to them"she said her eyes glinting with happiness.
"Sure"I said getting my phone out if my pocket. I video called Diane cause I knew they were together, and after two rings she answered,
"Hey girl"I said happily,
"Betty it's Anna,come over here quick"she shouted and immediately she appeared by her said.
"Annaaaaa"Betty screamed loudly and I laughed at her craziness.
"How are you doing?"Diane asked,
"Fine tho I am still getting used to their standard we are on break"I said with a sigh,
"You will get the hang of it"Betty said with a smile,I looked at Charlotte and she stood there watching me expectantly.
"Guys,I want you to meet someone" I said nudging Charlotte to come closer,she smiled as she peeked into the phone,
"Charlotte,Diane and Betty,Diane and Betty, Charlotte"I said introducing them. We talked for a while before Charlotte reminded me phones weren't totally allowed in school,so I promised them I will call later hanging up.
"They are nice and cool like you"she said with a bright smile plastered on her face.
"You think I am nice and cool?"I asked grinning so much.
"Yea very much"she said as we got to the cafeteria that I am still shocked they have. I looked around looking for a quiet and empty seat for the both of us as I took in my sorrounding,the chattering was so loud that it kind of scares me,it looks like everyone has their cliques just like back at my school,I just kept staring till Charlotte began pulling me and I just looked at her not saying anything as I allowed her pull me with her,she pulled me to a table I really didn't notice was there. I sat still looking around,
"You will got used to the noise,so you have any money on you"she said snapping out of my little riverie.
"Yea I do" I said giving her 500 naira note and she just took it and left to probably get our food cause I am starving. As I sat waiting for Charlotte to return a dark girl walked up to me,
"You must be the new girl,Ally right?"she asked looking at me with judging eyes.
"Yes and you are"I said in the nicest voice I could mutter.
"Vera,Vera Collins,so I see you made friends with Charlotte the wierdo,I guess she is killing you with all her book talks so why don't you come over to I and my friends table"she said pointing to a table filled with girls and boys,the looked rich even by their uniform but they also look like those arrogant and proud people and this Vera just proved me 100% right.
"Nah, I"ll pass"I said rolling my eyes in disgust noticing the overly short skirt she is putting on.
"Wait what, everyone wants to stay with us at that table and here you are denying the opportunity given to you,I am sure you will come running back,I will just give you space"she said sighing as she walked away.
"Told ya"I heard a voice I looked to see Charlotte glaring at Vera retreating figure and I just laughed at her face.
"Forget about her,I told her off"I said as she gave me my food.
"Thanks for not leaving"she said looking down avoiding my gaze,
"I never planned to and I am not planning on doing it soon"I said with a smile and I could feel her happiness radiating from her body. We are talking about slot of things till I felt the cafeteria get oddly quiet and I looked up to see someone I never taught I will see again in life........

Dun..dun..Dunn,who do you guys think she saw😂. I am so sorry for taking so long to update but my schedule is oddly tight but I promise to make out more time. I love cliffhangers but I won't keep you guys on suspense for long. Till next time loves, your fave writer Mabby❤️.

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