Well, he's not thinking about the boss, that's a relief already. It will be difficult for me to operate and act at the same time, I don't know how hard it will be when I have to confess everything ruining our friendship forever...
I have to do it for Chrollo, at the cost of being friendless.
It's the only thing I live for.

Kurapika: "Leorio, you will drive for me and y/n. Her Nen is to be able to command people by touching both temples, so she must be absolutely by my side if Pakunoda does not want to respect the agreements"
Y/n: "All right"
Leorio: "I like the idea"


Gon: "What about me?"
Kurapika: "You'll be the disturbing element"
Killua: "Isn't that a dangerous task?"
Kurapika: "It depends on the strategy we'll adopt"
Y/n: "What do you mean?"
Kurapika: "While the enemy will be distracted by Gon, I'll capture Pakunoda and take her away while Leorio and y/n are waiting for me in the car"
Y/n: "Hey! I'm not waiting there!"
Leorio: "Be careful how you talk!"
Kurapika: "You can come only if you promise me you'll stick to the plan. Pakunoda is the only goal"
Y/n: "Okay, as long as I'm by your side"

It hurts me to see him smile at my words... After all he has his goals too, so I don't know why I should hate him... I respect him, although it's inconsistent to say so.

Kurapika: "Thanks for the help guys, I have real friends"

No, don't say that,
don't make me regret meeting you...

The mission started as planned.
Me, Kurapika, Gon and Leorio are going by car, Killua has warned us that the buildings of the lair have increased, so he'll have to limit himself to the observation point.

Kurapika: "If they used this trick there must be a reason"
Y/n: "Yes, they are still there".

Chrollo's pov

Following the trail of the crimson eyes to reach the chain user, we used the power of Kortopi to find their location, the Beitacle hotel.

Nobunaga: "Boss... Send me"
Chrollo: "All right. But I'm going with you. There is someone I wish to see in person who may be related to that bastard. Paku, Machi and Shizuku will also come".

Your pov

Gon: "It's Killua on the phone, he's saying he found the woman. There are six of them and they move in groups. There is one that we didn't see yesterday. He can't see his face, but he's probably the leader"

Chrollo! It's here! I absolutely must take the opportunity!

Kurapika: "Can you figure out where they're headed?"
Killua: "Apparently they're headed to the station"
Kurapika: "Can you get on the same train?"
Killua: "It depends..."
Killua: "I did it. The train is bound for Castor"
Kurapika: "Castor..."
Y/n: "The auction and hotel area"
Kurapika: "Let's reach them".

It's him... It's Chrollo! He'll never be able to notice me in the midst of all these cars!

Kurapika: "They're running towards the hotel! They are fast!"
Y/n: "We won't be able to reach them by car!"

Kurapika and I looked at each other, grinned, and got out of the car to run, while Gon chased us.
Three of them suddenly changed direction and stopped in front of us.
Shit! My whole dress tore off!

Chrollo: "Have you seen them?"
Machi: "One has entered the vehicle, the other is behind the bin".

Perfect. Gon and Killua went out pretending to chase them not knowing the bounty had been revoked, but they got caught, damn it!

Kurapika, Leorio and I are at the hotel reception where Chrollo and some of the spiders are with Gon and Killua. To act, we must wait for the 7 o'clock blackout, then Kurapika will take Chrollo as a hostage to negotiate with Pakunoda and take back Gon and Killua.

7:00... Now!

Kurapika immediately kidnapped Chrollo and I preceded him immediately running in the car with Leorio...
Chrollo is sitting next to me...
I have to calm down or Melody will find me...

Chrollo's pov

It's her! It's the girl from the auction!
I assumed she was connected to the chain user, it was quite reasonable of her to work with him to get to me.
I'm relieved to have met her before I left, if it wasn't for Hisoka I probably wouldn't have seen her again.
Her ripped dress shows off her gorgeous body.
Fortunately, I'm chained, otherwise I would have been tempted to cover the parts left uncovered with my hands, and perhaps go even further.

Unconsciously I bit my lip seeing her so exposed, but I let myself be discovered.
We exchanged a mischievous gaze and she, understanding what I was thinking at that moment, gently ran a hand over her completely uncovered thigh, and then slightly stroked the bandana I gave her yesterday.

Chrollo: "I didn't think the chain user had such a sexy helper"
Kurapika: "Stop it or I'll kill you! Y/n! don't you say anything?!"
Y/n: "Wasted breath. I just want to get this over with as soon as possible"
Melody: "Kurapika, y/n is right, he's just provoking you!"
Chrollo: "So your name is y/n, huh? What a beautiful name... What would you say if sometimes we borrow chains from your friend and have fun instead of playing guards and thieves?"
Kurapika: "I'll kill you! I swear!"

Your pov

If he doesn't stop, I risk blowing up with embarrassment...
It's so fucking sexy the way he talks so lightly while being in such an absurd situation!
How could I control myself if he keeps teasing me like this?
Right now I wish she would tear off all that remains of my dress and more, but I can't!

Chrollo: "You won't kill me, you still have your dear friends. That girl's prophecy didn't mention all of this. In short, this situation is not even worth mentioning in a prophecy".

Kurapika couldn't resist the taunts and punched him in the face, but I have limits too... I don't want to ruin our friendship, but if only he dared to try to kill him I won't hesitate to do the same with him.

Y/n: "Kurapika. Calm. Down."
Chrollo: "You have a wonderful voice when you are frustrated"
Y/n: "Thank you..."

What the fuck am I saying? I'm an idiot!

Kurapika: "...Y/n?..."
Y/n: "You just have to play his game, you said you don't care about him, right? Let him do it"
Kurapika: "All right then..."
Chrollo: "You're right, I'm not worth even as a hostage"
Melody: "He is telling the truth. His heartbeat is normal, it's as if he is in danger of dying every day, but it has a small variation, it's the melody of a sudden lust, but covered a little by positive emotions, almost love at first sight"
Kurapika: "What the fuck is this? A romance?"
Chrollo: "It was not my intention to behave so badly in front of a gorgeous lady like her, but I couldn't help it... Tied up like this and with her dress almost absent I got carried away by lust. My sincere apologies".

Chrollo's pov

You're wrong, dear. It isn't love at first sight, it is simply sheer attraction that we can't cache.

𝐼 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 (Chrollo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now