Finally, they are coming...

Your pov

Tonight at 9:00 pm Princess Corco's mummy will go on sale. We were split into groups, I happened upon Melody and Kurapika, what a relief!
We are in charge of guarding the main entrance, so I can notice sudden movements.

Our observation point is quite far away, but we have been provided with binoculars. It's a shame I don't know Chrollo's face...
It doesn't matter, even if I had seen him I would not have been able to enter.

Kurapika: "All quiet, no movement. Got it, if anything happens I'll get in touch"
Melody: "They are really serious... Apart from the mafia guards, no one can get closer than 500 meters from the building".
Y/n: "If they didn't, it would be swarming with mobsters".
Kurapika: "It would be tantamount to proclaiming that something illegal is being done".
Melody: "In fact..."

The Phantom Troupe... Will it really come?

Melody: "The same sound as a little while ago. You are both feeling angry, aren't you?"
Kurapika: "..."
Y/n: "..."
Melody: "So... Can I ask you a question, Kurapika?"
Kurapika: "Yes"
Melody: "The crimson eyes... Exactly... What do they mean to you?"
Kurapika: "...Why do you ask me that?"
Melody: "No particular reason, curiosity? When they appeared on that slide, I felt that you were feeling an infinite rage, the melody of your heart became dashing.
Just like yours, y/n, I'd like to know what generates these raging melodies..."

Kurapika: "As for me, I am a Kurta, our eyes are normally brown, but, in the grip of violent feelings, they turn red. I'm looking for the eyes of my companions"

I have to lie, but I have to be convinced.
Got it! I'll talk about my aunt as if she were my mom and the spiders as if they were my aunt. Mere, isn't it?
So it won't look like I'm lying.

Y/n: "Infinite rage, you say? You're right... I have infinite rage for the Phantom Troupe, that infamous group killed my aunt because she was a key piece in crime.
Her head was precious, but not only that, she possessed literally unique items and jewels, they deprived me of the last thing that remained of my childhood, I can't forgive them!
Why kill an innocent person who loved me? Why!?

Kurapika: "They don't even deserve to be named! I promise you that if I meet them, I will kill them to avenge your aunt as well, your angry gaze is not lying... I want to keep you by my side, we can do it in together"
Y/n: "Same goes for me! What about you, Melody? Why do you work here?"

Melody: "It's incredibly fascinating that your hearts produce the same melody!
Anyway, I'm a Music Hunter, looking for the Sonata of Darkness.
It is said that whoever performs it or listens to it is the victim of great calamities.
For example, I heard the flute part and became what you see. I would love to go back to my original appearance and destroy that melody"
Y/n: "I thought it was just a legend, it's terrible..."
Kurapika: "Yeah... Me too..."
Y/n: "Why do you work here then?"
Melody: "I find it more efficient to act from the underworld"

Kurapika's pov

Melody: "it's time, the underground auction is about to begin".

After those words, the uproar broke out.
All the people who were taking part in the underground auction have disappeared, the treasure was not in its place, so it was considered stolen.
But thanks to the boss's skill, the treasure had been moved and guarded by the Beasts. However, they seem to have been killed by the Phantom Troupe.
I knew they would show up.

So, I kept my promise with the first victim, number 11. I have to go through with the rest before I've no more chance.
I even talked to Hisoka to get information about the spider, such as the number of members and the powers of some, with the condition of cooperating so that he can face the leader.

Light Nostrade: "I see, changing rooms was a brilliant idea. It is clear that the Phantom Troupe is using the Hunter site.
If you didn't act immediately, Neon would be in danger.
First, we need to bring my daughter home"
Neon: "I have no other choice, the auction has been suspended..."
Light Nostrade: "Don't be sad, I will recover the items you cared about from thieves. Melody, Basho, take my daughter to the mansion"
Basho: "All right"

Light Nostrade: "Well, now let's move on to more serious matters. The auction will reopen tonight. The place and times are the same. But it is possible that the owl has delivered the objects of the auction to the Troupe since it is the only one whose body hasn't been found yet.
Since the Beasts have been killed, the Ten Elders have entrusted the elimination of the spider to professionals, it is quicker for us to rely on them. But I don't intend to leave all the credit to the alliance, so Kurapika, y/n, I would like you to join the assassination squad".

Your pov

x1: "So, are we all here? The goal is the extermination of the Phantom Troupe, it is possible that they will be reviewed at the opening of the auction. If so, get rid of them"
X2: "Why don't we use code names? I will be blue"
X3: "I'll be red"
Zeno: "It looks like we're playing, I'm Zeno"
Silva: "i'm Silva"

Silva... Silva... Why does it sound familiar?

Zeno: "We don't need nicknames, call us by name, but we won't obey anyone. We work our way".
X4: "Silva and Zeno... Aren't you the Zoldycks?"

Silva Zoldyck... Mum...

X1: "Hey you, are you okay?"
Y/n: "Yes, it's just that it's an honor for me to collaborate with Zoldycks..."
Silva: "We won't collaborate with someone like you, we will only waste our time".
Kurapika: "y/n..."
Y/n: "Well, I see you don't need my help".

I left the room slamming the door, Kurapika tried to follow me but he thought he better leave me alone. I would have killed him if he dared to stand in my way.
I'll kill them all.

Are you happy, boss? I'm making your job easier already. I hope I can please you.

𝐼 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 (Chrollo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now