"Riley, you've seen me in my boxers hundreds of times before. This isn't any different." He moved his hand through his hair to move it off his face.

Aiden was right. There was nothing intimate about what we were doing; it was just Aiden. We had seen each other in next to nothing before, boxers, workout gear, bathing suits. This was not any different. We were two grown adults. We could handle this. My nervousness could just be that my mind was foggy from the Ezra situation. I hadn't been thinking straight for days now.

I turned away from him and lifted my shirt over my head, exposing my black lace bra. I looked up in the mirror, forgetting that no matter what angle I faced, he could see me. Aiden was staring back at me in the mirror.

I spun around towards him as I brought my shirt up to cover myself. The butterflies that came shocked me. Bathing suit, it was just like a bathing suit. I let the shirt drop to the floor and I moved my fingers to unbutton my pants. Aiden continued to watch me as I slowly wiggled the jeans down off my hips. I was standing fully exposed in front of him in my matching bra and panties. I was glad I at least picked a nice set to wear today.

"Black, huh?" He swallowed hard as his eyes raked over my body. My eyes were mirroring his as I took in his exposed skin. "Good choice."

"Yeah, you too." I said, looking down at him.  Our eyes locked and he ran over to the hanging bag to start unzipping it.

"We better get dressed." He called over his shoulder.

"I agree." I ran over and grabbed my bag, which put us standing right next to each other.  I squeaked when his hand accidentally brushed against my stomach when he unzipped his bag.

"Sorry."  He said, turning twelve shades of purple and red.

We started to pull on our wedding attire faster than should have been possible. The last cruel trick from Anna was the fact my dress was not able to be worn with a bra. Aiden was a gentleman and turned around so I could remove it. I covered my chest with my hand as I tried to pull the dress up with the other. I couldn't reach my zipper to close the dress, which infuriated me even more.

"Aiden." I finally whined, giving up on being an independent woman. "Can you help me zip this up? I can't reach the zipper."

Aiden turned slowly and came up behind me to lend me a hand. His fingers lingered on my bare back as he slowly zipped me up. He didn't lean in to press against me, but I felt like I wanted him to touch me. I was so confused.

I turned around in my dress and stared at the tux Aiden was wearing.  Even though it wasn't completely tailored yet, it looked amazing on him.   The pink vest and tie made his auburn hair that much more radiant.  Pink was his color. Who knew? 

"You look...I mean...wow." He stared with his mouth hanging open at the short light pink dress.  His eyes went to the sweetheart neckline and the bare skin just above it.  

I pulled the tulle skirt and ran my hands nervously over the lace on the bodice.  It was soft, thin, and delicate.  It was not really my style, but it was charming in an overly girly sort of way.

"Uh, so... um... you."  I swallowed, not able to finish my compliment back to him.

He stepped closer to me as if there was some invisible force pulling him towards me. I took a step closer until we were only inches apart. 

He licked his lips and began to lean closer to me. I closed my eyes as my pulse quickened.

"Are you ready?" A lady with a thick accent called from the other side of the door.

We both jumped back and stared at each other before racing to the door.

Aiden reached the handle before I did and he opened the door for us to walk down the hall. The seamstress had her arms crossed over her chest and was tapping her foot impatiently waiting for us. She raised her eyebrow when she knelt down in front of Aiden and looked over at me. A smile crept to her face. She began pinning his tux in various places to tailor it to his body.

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