"Hey guys, thanks so much for the help" Ging said smiling

"No problem. Gald to help" kurapika said helping too. They finished quite fast. They all entered the car and made there way to there new home. Kurapika and leorio were talking about how exited they were to see gon's new house. While gon sat there quietly.

After a while they finally pulled up to the new house. They all got some boxes and made there way inside the house. Kikyo helped too. Ging placed his stuff in kikyos room. While gon didn't know were his room was gonna be. "Oh gon honey you're room is with killua. Upstairs in the third floor" kikyo said smiling.

Gon smiled and made his way upstairs with leorio and kurapika "she didn't really specify....so I guess make a lucky guess in which room it is" kurapika said looking around the hallways.

"Hmmm definitely not that room, that has a sign saying alluka in it" leorio said pointing at a pink door with stickers all over it.

"Um lets check the last door" gon said walking to the end of the hall.

"No this one" leorio said knocking at the second door. Illumi opened the door. "Is this killua?" Leorio said

"No" gon said frowning.

"Oh sorry to bother you" kurapika said

"Its fine...killuas room is the last one" illumi said. Pointing at it.

"Ha! Told you!" Gon said laughing. They walked to end of the hall and knocked at the door. Few seconds later killua opened the door. He looked at gon's friends

"You have more siblings!" Killua said

"No- uh these are my friends" gon said chuckling

"Oh ok- uh come in" killua said opening the door wider. When gon walked in, his eyes widen. The room was huge! He saw that they had a balcony. Gon saw that there were two beds. He went to the one that was empty. He placed his boxes down and looked around the room.

"Woah! This room is nice gon!" Leorio said

"Yeah!" Gon said.

"Its nothing" killua said.

"Nothing!? This room is like a House" gon said laughing. Killua chuckled and sat on his bed.

"Lets go get the rest of the boxes gon" kurapika said. Gon nodded and left the room. They made there way to the truck and got the rest of gon's boxes.

Later that night when they finished. Kurapika and leorio left. Gon was in killuas room unpacking his things. "Clothes?" Gon asked killua. He's been asking killua were he can put his stuff.

"Closet" killua answered. He walked to the closet and opened it revealing the huge closet.

"Woah!" Gon said. "Huge closet!"

"I moved my stuff to this side. You're side is the left" killua said. Gon nodded and organized his stuff. Gon went   back to his boxes.

"So uh- were is the bathroom?" Gon said getting his stuff for the bathroom.

"Right here" killua said opening a door next to the closet

"Woah! You have a bathroom in you're room! Thats so cool!" Gon said excitingly

"Yeah i guess" killua said. Gon placed his shampoo and towel in the bathroom and saw that that was all he had in all his boxes. Gon sat on his bed and looked around the room. It was dark outside and the huge balcony doors the room had made the moon shine inside the room. Gon admired the moon. As gon was admiring the moon. Killua was looking at gon's eyes. He blushed.

"You're room is so nice.." Gon said still looking at the doors.

"Our room you mean?" Killua said

"Yeah i guess...uh- can I look outside" gon said looking over at killua

"Its your room gon." Killua said grabbing his book. Gon smiled and walked to the balcony. He opened the doors and smiled at the beautiful view. The balcony was facing the backyard. It had a huge field, a fountain, a pool, a forest in the end and so many more things. Gons eyes shined. This is such a beautiful view. He thought. "Nice view huh?" Killua said startling gon.

"Yeah!" Gon said smiling. "This house is so beautiful" gon whispered

"Yeah...i guess." Killua said walking behind gon.

"I-i hope im not intruding killua" gon said looking up at killua.

"What do you mean?"

"I-i just don't know if you like us sharing a room...i don't wanna make you uncomfortable...if you want I can ask your mom if i can move" gon said

"No no! Its totally ok" killua said. "I-i don't mind sharing....although i don't know you that well...i-its actually kinda nice having you here" killua blushed.

"Really?" Gon said smiling

"Yeah- its nice and maybe we ca-" killua said but stopped once he saw gon hugging him. Killua turned bright red.

"Thank you" gon said into the hug.

"N-no p-problem..." Killua said slightly hugging back. Gon pulled away and blushed.

"Im sleepy...uh- im going to bed" gon said walking back inside

"Uh- yeah night gon" killua said still bright red. Gon smiled. Killua stayed in the balcony for a while. He was still blushing he smiled slightly and looked up at the moon. "Hope I don't regret this" killua said smiling at the moon.

Step Siblings (Gonkillu Story) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now