"I want you to tell me the reason why you hate me so much," Zain said in one breathe.

"Huhh- what?" I said.

"You hear me, right tell me the reason behind your hatred," Zain said with a serious look on his face.

"Please don't ask me please," I said.

"You have to tell me and I have the right to know the reason because I am involved" he said.

"Why are you so desperate?" I asked.

"Yes I am desperate so tell me" he said.

"If you are insisting and you've helped me alot so I'm gonna tell you the reason" I said.

"Yeah that's what I want!" He said.

"I know that I don't have a proper reason, I know it's silly" I said.

"So what's the reason?" Zain replied desperately

"Look Zain I don't want people to pity on me and that's why I haven't told anyone about myself and haven't talked about my emotions to others so after listening to me I want you to not to pity on me" I said looking into his eyes.

"Yeah I promise I will not pity you" Zain replied.

"Back then when my parents shifted here without me after a month I found out that my parents are going to leave me there alone only with Grandma and at that time I was so sad and I become a girl who doesn't want to talk to people I became an antisocial person even my classmates started mocking me about my behavior I have been called a loner" I said.

"So why do you hate me?" Zain asked.

"but at that time when I was going through a hardship by trying to live with my loneliness my result came out and my father called me and started yelling at me because I got very low marks I barely passed the exam with low grades and he started comparing me with you my parents never tried to understand me and my situation but they always put me through all the hardships" I said with tears flowing from my eyes.

"You should have told your parents about your situation" Zain said.

"How should I told them about my situation while whenever they call me they always ask about my grades and start comparing me with you instead of asking about my health and my situations how am I supposed to initiate the topic about how I am doing you know I'm not a person who can easily share her emotions" I answered Zain nodded with sadness.

"When I was fifteen I was diagnosed with depression and then my parents came to us and my mom talked to me and I told her everything since then she realised that how they ignored me but my dad still didn't realise even after all the things that happened to me... At that time my mom wanted to stay with me but I assured her that I will be alright because I was already used to it so she came back and after a year of therapy I overcame my depression but I'm still taking medicine whenever I have sleeping problem" I said with teary eyes.

"Hey don't cry" Zain said.

"You want to know why I hate you actually I don't hate you I just needed someone at that time to give all the blame about the things that I've been going through and whenever someone mention your name in front of me I became so angry because they always mention you to compare me and my grades with you" I said.

"So I haven't done anything bad to you," Zain said.

"Yes I hated you because I can't hate my parents, they are my parents. How am I supposed to hate them" I said sobbing.

"I have been thinking that I did something really bad to you without realising that's why you hate me" Zain said.

"I'm sorry for making you look bad," I said.

"Maryam you know what you are a very brave girl!" Zain stated looking into my eyes.

"Huhh" I said.

"Yes you are a brave girl you had to go through all these hardships that I can't even imagine that I can handle and still you're doing great and doing everything to achieve your dream" Zain said.

"I just want to prove my dad wrong by achieving my goals," I said.

"You've done all these things without having anyone who can encourage you and now you have someone who is willing to encourage you so now I know that you can do it" Zain said.

"At that time only Munif and my grandma were the people who believed in me but he was so far away from me" I said blinking my tears away

"And now I also believe in you, let's do it fighting!" Zain said.

"Thank you" I thanked him with a huge smile.

"So now you don't hate me right?" Zain said.

"Yes I don't have a reason to hate you because now I know that I will be able to get more grades than you" I said with a smirk.

"And now you are so confident," Zain said with a huge grin on his face.

"Yes! Because now I have one more person who believes in me" I said while smiling cheekily.

"Then let's be friends again," Zain said.

"Yes, let's be friends" I answered.

"Let's celebrate our first day of friendship with ice-cream" Zain said.

"But we have to go back to our home," I said.

"Let me just buy ice-cream then we can head home" Zain suggested and I answered with a nod and he happily went to buy ice-cream from a vendor who was selling ice-cream in the park.

"I didn't know your favourite flavor so I bought Chocolate flavor for you" Zain handed me an ice-cream.

"I like every flavor of ice-cream so it's okay" I said to Zain and accepted the ice-cream then we started walking towards our house.

When we were walking home Zain said "let's have a study session everyday at the library so that we can help each other for Medical Entrance".

"Yeah that's a good idea" I said.

"Okay then tomorrow at 6:00 pm" Zain replied.

It was the first time when me and Zain had talked that much. When we were taking study sessions we only talked about studies but today after telling him everything I'm feeling so good that's why people always says that
'Sharing our emotions makes our heart lighter'


A/N: I hope you guys have understood Maryam's point of view and the silly reason of hatred that she has towards Zain. I hope they will come closer in the future. Get ready for some new twists, emotional and happy moments and don't forget to encourage me by voting. Just like Maryam I also need people who can encourage me.
Thank you😇

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