Chapter 1

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Inherently drawn to all things seductive and dark, my house was a cross between a dungeon and a boudoir. Tactile was an important element when I designed the rooms.  A red, leather chaise lounge was the focal point in my library, nestled amongst ceiling to floor bookshelves covering all four walls. The stone floors and plush wool rugs added to the charm. My bedroom resembled an Indian courtesan's - four-poster bed, silk sheets.. opulent and very over the top. The living-room with the black velvet wall, Gothic chandelier and Elizabethan/Victorian furniture.. Maybe all this contributed to the dark thoughts that lurked in the secret chambers of my mind, yet I didn't care. I loved to feel sensual and this made me feel extremely erotic.

One couldn't simply slump around in sweatsuits. I wore appropriate clothing at all times. Stockings with suspenders, corsets, sexy high heels and on occasion a floor-length dress to cover it all up. I wasn't a fan of clothing when alone. Minimal is always better. Just because there was noone to see me, didn't mean I had to look like roadkill! Dark smoky eyes, long dark hair, big juicy lips...

As I sunk into the pillows on my bed, I relished the feel of silk and cashmere on my skin. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the sensory overload. It was nice to feel nice. Sighing, I stretched as a cat would, slinky-ed my way out of bed and went in search of my green tree python Mawsitsit. Was it feeding time yet? I could never remember. I just hope he hasn't tried eating the hedgehog again! The veterinary bill was not pleasant. Jasper didn't much enjoy being on the menu unwittingly either.

I hope to add to my peculiar family soon. A skunk to be named Onyx and a ferret to be named Amber. I think they will fit into my surroundings nicely.

Sidetracked, I went to the kitchen for food. Opening cupboards aimlessly, as Mrs Hubbard would feel completely at home here. I had forgotten to go shopping again. Groan. I had flour, an egg and butter. I guess I could make crepes? Shrug. Too much effort. My stomach rumbled in anger. I guess I should make those crepes after all. As I reached for the bowl, Mawsitsit slithered up my leg. I bent down and uncoiled him, wrapping him around my waist instead. He made a gorgeous belt. I loved Mawsitsit. He was such a docile and loving pet.

Amidst my crepe making, the doorbell rang. Removing Mawsitsit to don my silk dressing gown, I sauntered to the door and peeked through the peephole. Seeing my ex, I walked over and picked up Mawsitsit and draped him casually over my shoulders. James hated reptiles.

James paled visibly as I opened the door and stumbled backwards. I smiled in response. It was nice having the advantage.

"Yes," I purred, deliberately running my gaze slowly from head to toe.

"H-h-hi. I wanted to talk to you. Could you put that thing away please? It makes me uncomfortable."

"Not particularly. You can say what you have to say out here."

"I was hoping to come in." James licked his lips nervously.

"You are no longer welcome in my home. Say what you have to say outside."

James had obviously envisioned this a whole lot different to how it was panning out.

"Please. Put that thing away and let me in."

I was not letting James into my home again. Last time we "played" he nearly choked me to death. I don't mind a bit of S and M like any girl but he took it too far, laughing as I lost consciousness. Waking to find yourself bound in a compromising situation against your consent is not ok. We were definitely over.

I arched an eyebrow and started to close the door. James looked torn. I knew he wanted to come in but he was so afraid of Mawsitsit that he was glued to the spot.

"I'm sorry."

"A little late. Goodbye."

"You'll be sorry."

I laughed and closed the door but my stomach was in knots. He wasn't very stable and my overactive imagination was working in overdrive. Maybe I should buy a few more snakes instead.

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