Chapter 94

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Sharline was looking for an escape the moment they walked into the club but knew it was useless. The club owner was a friend of Paul's and that meant that everyone there was going to keep an eye on her. There was no slipping out through a bathroom window as the club was underground and there was only one entry/exit. Music no longer brought her any relief and she desperately hoped that Frank was out looking for her by now. Only, he would never think to look here. Paul had his hand on her shoulder and the weight of it felt like a burn, each moment it lingered felt like an eternity and she was sure her flash was cooking merely by his touch. He had told her to smile and so that is what she was doing, even if on the inside she was screaming for help. A man at an adjacent table gave her an idea. He winked at her and ran his tongue over his lips in a tragic and freaky sort of way. Perfect! Paul was the most jealous human being she had ever encountered. Making sure that Paul couldn't see, she blew the stranger a kiss. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. He slapped another ape of a friend beside him and the table of burly men laughed loudly enough to capture Paul's interest. Looking over, he noticed the man making exaggerated kisses at her and making inappropriate gestures. His two hands holding an imaginary head as he raised and lowered them in front of his crotch. Paul's grip bit into her shoulder and he stood. Just what she had hoped for. He would go and get into a fight and she could escape! Only, Paul had pulled her with him and doing the math, had realised he was outnumbered. He was not going to let her escape as easily as that. Neither were the table of freaky men! They stood and followed Paul and Sharline out the door and into the street. This was not going well!

Sharline realised just what a mistake she had made as the one she had acknowledged grabbed her and punched her face, the rest attacking Paul. Lying half unconscious on the ground, she turned her head and saw a bloodied Paul being beaten and kicked, as the baboon raised her dress, ripped her underwear and raped her on the street. With the first thrust, the dry and unprepared skin tore and bled. Not even as a virgin did she feel such pain. Trying to block out the pain and the imagery, she turned her head and captured Paul's gaze. It was only brief as he passed out. The rest of the men came and took turns with her battered body, leaving the pair only when both were limp and unresponsive.

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