Chapter 24

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Arianrhod stood outside the door. She had been buzzed in and was now waiting for James to open it. Why had she come? Because she missed him. Missed having a significant other in her life that could take her mind off work and all her problems and make her feel like a prized possession. James had rekindled that hope when he had paid her an unexpected visit to her office. She couldn't risk being caught like that at work again.

"Why hello," he drawled as he ushered her into his apartment.

Why was she acting like a nervous virgin? Her palms were sweaty and her breathing had quickened.

"Hello yourself. It's been a while since I have been here and well after your grandiose performance the other day, I felt I should return the favour."

He smiled as he walked off and into his bedroom. Should she follow him? He returned as promptly as he had left.

"I'm sorry you came all this way for nothing. I am actually headed out and can't cancel. We can walk downstairs together."


She felt gutted. Why had she assumed he would welcome her with open arms? He still carried a grudge and even though she knew that, Arianrhod had taken a risk in coming over.

James read the look on her face correctly when he lent close to her ear and said, "Doesn't mean I can't stop by your place later when I am finished."

His voice, his breath, the body heat radiating from him... Not trusting herself to speak, she nodded mutely.

At the entrance, they parted with a passionate kiss and embrace.

Walking back to her car gravely, Arianrhod wished she had called rather than feel like such a fool.

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