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yue was late. she had spent the previous night preparing everything for the tutoring session, and now she had slept through her alarm and was rushing to the tutoring center.

by the time the girl arrived, she was slightly panting. she hoped that seokjin was late as well and that she wouldn't disappoint him by being tardy.

"yue!" the brunette's heart sped up hearing the familiar voice saying her name. she spotted seokjin already sitting down at the same table as last time. "i got here first this time," he said teasingly.

"sorry," yue apologized, feeling guilty for making him wait, but the older immediately assured her that it wasn't a problem. she began to pull out the notes she had prepared for him when the male noticed something.

"oh," seokjin thought, eyeing yue's arm. the girl had thrown on the first top she could find that morning and the boy could see through the white fabric of her sleeve, spotting a faint rose tattoo on her forearm. he could see other marks as well, but none as distinct as the flower he recognized from the photo.

yue had begun to speak when she noticed the male not paying attention to her words. she looked to where he was staring and mentally cursed at herself before hiding her arm under the table.

"i was in a rush and forgot to apply makeup on them," she immediately explained, looking incredibly flustered. this answered seokjin's question of how he had never seen them before.

"no, i was just thinking that they looked really pretty," he told her admiringly. "i like them." yue could feel her cheeks heating up. she hated how easily seokjin could make her blush.

"thank you," she softly said.

"how many do you have?" seokjin asked, eyes full of curiosity. yue gulped. she knew that a lot of guys didn't like girls with too many tattoos, but she also wanted to be honest with seokjin. so the girl showed him her arm again and rolled up half of her sleeve.

"i have five on this arm," she admitted. seokjin analyzed them carefully. he didn't know a lot of people that had so many tattoos and had always been interested in them.

"you have them on your other arm too right?" the male curiously questioned. yue sheepishly nodded. the tattoos on her arms were the reasons she had gotten in trouble so much in high school, so she never thought there would be a time when she could proudly bare them in front of someone. "can i see them?"

yue obliged to his request and rolled up her other sleeve, making sure that there weren't too many people around before doing so. seokjin looked at the girl's tattoos. she had even more on the other arm. he counted seven. they were mostly simple minimalistic designs, except for the elaborate rose that he now had a clearer view of.

"i have too many, huh?" yue half-joked. she was comfortable at first, but now she was starting to worry that the male disliked them. seokjin looked away from her arms and into her eyes.

"no, i think they're really cool!" he reassured her, making the girl practically glow with happiness. "they're kind of..." seokjin put a hand to his chin and said the first word he could think of to describe what he thought of them. "sexy?" as soon as the word slipped from his lips, he knew he shouldn't have said it.

yue turned the brighest shade of red seokjin had ever seen.

"w-wait, that wasn't the right word," he began. he too was starting to get flustered. "i meant like they have that l-like cool and dangerous appeal to them!" he finally managed. yue nodded understandingly.

"t-thank you," she stuttered back. seokjin was trying to figure out how to clear the awkward air.

"you shouldn't be so afraid to show them," he told her. yue looked at him surprised by the suggestion. the tattoos, to her, had always been a reminder of the person she used to be. and she had always tried so hard to ignore them, yet now seokjin was telling her to do the opposite.

"really?" she asked. he nodded. "thank you." seokjin gave her a reassuring smile and yue couldn't help but beam at him.

"wow," he thought, at the sight of her happy expression. the older had never really thought about it, but with the sunlight in her hair and her perfect smile on display, he realized that yue was actually very attractive. maybe it was the light freckles on her nose or the lovely contrast of the dark ink on her pale arms, but something about her at that moment shone her in a new light to seokjin.

and he didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

sincerity || k.sjTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon