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"mr. kim, can you come to speak to me?" the tall boy gulps when his professor calls his name. he knows what this is going to be about. "i noticed you've been struggling with the current unit," she says. seokjin shyly nods.

"yes, it's been a little difficult for me, professor choi," he confesses. 

"well, if you need any help there are tutors available at the student center you can talk to. i think you should try it," she suggests. the boy thinks about this. he knows he should reach out for help, but he was always embarrassed by how poorly he was doing in the class.

"i don't know if i feel super comfortable asking a stranger," he tells the woman. professor choi sees the expression on his face. she's had a lot of students who've refused help out of pride and embarrassment so she can easily tell what the boy is thinking. she sighs and goes to her computer to look at the class roster.

"actually, there's someone in our class who is a math tutor, seo yue. do you know her?" the older woman questions. seokjin thinks about it. the name seems familiar.

"i'm not sure," he says, scratching his head. he trys to recall her face, but comes up blank. "i think i've definitely heard of her though."

"she's very a very sweet girl. do you think you would be comfortable working with her?" the professor asks. she knows yue is very shy and thinks it would be good for her to make a connection with someone in the class.

"uh," he begins. though she was a classmate, he wasn't very familiar with the girl. but it wouldn't hurt to try, after all, he is in danger of failing the course. "yeah, i guess that sounds fine."

professor choi smiles. "that's great. she should be at the tutoring center tomorrow. here's her email, make sure you contact her." she copies it down on a sticky note and hands it to the student.

"thank you, professor," he says, looking at the piece of paper. 

"no problem mr. kim. have a good day," she says with a wave. seokjin gives her a polite smile and leaves the class. he's nervous about contacting yue. he knows he will need a lot of help and is afraid the girl will judge him, but he also knows that he has to email her. seokjin decides to do it that night and then meet her tomorrow.

what's the worst that could happen?

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