So um yeah.. just read this please..

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I'm sorry. I can't find motivation to write this anymore. This doesn't even bring me joy. I feel really bad, some of you all have probably waiting a long time for me just to upload that next chapter, or something like that. This just sorta drags me down every time I think of it. I keep coming up with ideas to write, but it doesn't mean anything if I can't enjoy the process. I will leave the stories up for you to enjoy, in fact I still get notified about people voting, or commenting on these, And some of them are really funny! Please don't ask me to continue these. I probably won't, but who knows? Maybe one day when I come back to this, I'll see potential and maybe be motivated? But please, feel free to enjoy my old writing atrocities while I work on a story (or oneshot book again) that I will enjoy the process of!

That's all for now!
Satan Muffins~

Stephen x Hosuh One Shots (MAYBE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now