The Roses Stained Red

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Now before y'all go and comment, "RoSeS aRe ReD iDiOt!" I'm talking about white roses. Now you can continue with the story.

     Blood and some other unknown substance was found in Stephen mouth when he woke up that morning. He gagged, the flavor of his own blood throughout his mouth. Not the most ideal way to start a morning, but it was better than choking on the blood while he was asleep.

"Well, frick. I'm gonna be tasing blood all morning." Stephen smacked his lips. "Yep, this is gonna suck."

Stephen walked out of his room and into the living room. He saw Dan and Hosuh watching a movie, he couldn't tell what one it was, but that was answered when Hosuh suddenly yelled,


They were watching the Hunger Games. Stephen stifled a cough, when he heard Hosuh yell.

"This is why I don't watch movies with you guys." Hosuh huffed, with tears still in his eyes.

Stephen, who has had a crush on Hosuh for over a year, thought that his pouting was a little funny, and started to laugh. But all the laughs, were replaced by coughs. He kept coughing and coughing.

"Oh my God, Stephen!? Are you alright!?" Hosuh ran up to him.

But that just made the coughing worse. Stephen felt a warm, thick liquid running down his chin.

"I' right.... back." He said, in between coughs.

Stephen coughed over the sink for maybe, ten seconds. His coughing died down and now he was able to see the objects in the sink.

"Blood and... White Rose petals?"

They were Hosuh's favorite, and that's the only reason he knew what they were.

"Hanahaki..." He mumbled to himself.

Stephen knew of the disease, but didn't really know anything about it, but most importantly he needed to know the treatment.

He quickly grabbed his phone and searched it up.

"Hanahaki Disease: A disease in which it's host coughs up flower petals and blood, when suffering from a one sided love. The petals tend to be the favorite of the loved person.
The disease only goes away when the loved person returns the feeling romantically, or the host gets the flower surgically removed; however their feeling towards the loved person will disappear. If not treated within a couple days, the victim will.... die."

Stephen sat on the bathroom floor. His only ways to live, didn't sound so appealing to him. But he didn't want to die.

"Stephen!" Hosuh pounded on the bathroom door. "Are you okay in there?!"

"Y-Yeah. I'm good." Stephen lied.

Why is this happening to me?

Stephen knew why it was happening, he just wanted to deny it. He loved Hosuh. And Hosuh had no idea.

It was painful, coughing up the blood and rose petals. Stephen didn't want it to happen again, but anytime Hosuh was near, or if he thought of him, the coughing urge would come back.

Stephen finally came out of the bathroom, just to be met with Dan saying,

"I'm bored, you guys want to go somewhere?"

"Sure, why not?" Hosuh agreed.

Stephen was reluctant. If he stayed home, they would know something was wrong, but if he went, they would see him cough up flowers and freak out.

Stephen x Hosuh One Shots (MAYBE CONTINUED) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang