My Wish (Draft)

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So, before I start, I would like to say that this is somewhat based off of a movie called "In My Dreams". It's a really good movie and I suggest checking it out!

Also, this story has to do with the changing of P.O.V (Point of View). I personally don't like it when the point of view changes every three seconds (it happens a lot with novice writers, trust me) so I'm going to try my best!


Hosuh was out with one of his friends mid-afternoon one day. It was partly cloudy, with the sun peaking through the clouds every so often. It was the beginning of autumn, and Hosuh's friend insisted that it would be a shame to miss the day because it was "Too beautiful out".
"Hoooosuh! You having fun?" His friend Ann asked enthusiasticly.
"I guess I am... But I could be doing something better with my time, like wor-"
"Working at the restaurant, I know. I've heard it about two million times in my current life span. You should have fun more often, or, at least, find someone to share your passion with." Ann interrupted.
Though it was true that Hosuh owned a restaurant, it was more like he lived there. Working late hours before leaving to go to his apartment, getting up way too early for someone staying up extremely late every night, it wasn't healthy.
But that's why Hosuh had Ann, to help him get away from that stuff.
"And here we are! The center of the park. I've always found it calming here, maybe you'll find the same?"
"Thank you Ann, really. But I should probably get back to the restaurant. It's not good to leave it closed for so long."
Hosuh sighed as he started to walk away, but Ann grabbed him before he could get far.
"Okay, if you feel the need to work, so be it. But at least find something that will make this day memorable to you. Promise me." Ann's face suddenly turned serious, it was honestly kind of scary.
"I promise." Hosuh simply replied. "Have a good day Ann."
Hosuh walked back through the park, pulling his soft scarf up over his mouth and nose.
Let's see... Something that will make this day memorable.
Hosuh stopped and looked around, about 50 feet away from him stood a flower cart. He slowly walked towards it, whilst admiring the different types of flowers.
"'Elllo there! What can I do for ya this fine day?" The cart owner said.
Hosuh looked at all the different types of flowers, until one kind caught his eye.
"What are those?" He pointed at a particular white flower.
"Ah! Those are White Roses. Some of my absolute favorites."
"Yeah, they really are pretty." Hosuh mumbled to himself.
He looked at the sign that had the prices of the flowers on it. The sign only contained a few words.

Flower Bouquet- $5.99

Hosuh dug through his pockets and managed to come up with six dollars in cash.
"I don't have exact change, is that okay?" Hosuh asked timidly.
He knew that some people were picky about that rule, and some people even got rude at him for it.
"Oh hun, no one has time for exact change any more." The cart owner said calmly as they reached into their pocket.
Hosuh gave the cart owner the six dollars, and in return received the flowers, and a single penny. Hosuh looked at the penny puzzled.
"You can keep it, it's just a penny anyways."
But the owner shook their head.
"You see that fountain over there?"
The cart owner pointed back towards the center of the park where Hosuh had just come from.
"The's a legend about that fountain. Where if you wish for love, within seven days you'll find who you were meant to be with."
"I don't really believe in wishes, none of them ever come true." Hosuh responded sadly.
"Aye, but this isn't like wishing on the 'first star I see tonight' or like wishing on a wishbone. Well, I can't force you to do anything, but you don't know until you try."
Hosuh looked at the fountain, then looked back at the penny.
What's the harm? My penny will just sit there until someone decides to take it.
He walked over to the fountain. Looked at the penny one more time, then sighed deeply.
Like Ann said, maybe I should find someone to share my passion with. I wish for someone to love me romantically.
Not another word was uttered or thought until the penny reached the floor of the fountain.


Stephen x Hosuh One Shots (MAYBE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now