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This story was requested by @SapphireBerry24. Thanks for the request!

     It all hit Hosuh like a brick. The fatigue, the nausea, the headache. None of them felt good alone, but all together was worse.

"Hck!" Hosuh grunted, his symptoms growing stronger.

Hosuh felt as if he couldn't hold himself up anymore, his legs gave out, resulting with a thunk on the cold tile floor. Stephen was the first to react.

"Oh my God! Hosuh!" Stephen was immediately at his side.

"I.... don't feel so good." Hosuh mumbled with his strained voice.

"Yeah, obviously." Stephen frantically muttered.

Daniel ran into the room.

"I heard something crash, is everyone okay?"

"Took you long enough. And no, Hosuh collapsed." Stephen spat.

Stephen may have sounded calm while talking to Dan, but in reality, he was really freaking out. Seeing his friend, that he may or may not have a crush on, collapse right in front of his eyes, it scared the heck out of him.

"I'll take him to his room, you can go back to whatever you were doing Dan."

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Stephen could tell Dan was extremely worried.

"Yeah, I got this." Stephen said flatly.

Stephen picked up Hosuh bridal-style, and carried him to his room. While setting Hosuh on the bed, Stephen sat down next to him. He sighed.

"Stephen?.... When did you dye your hair orange?" Hosuh's words were almost inaudible because of how quiet and strained his voice was.

"Orange? Yeah, you're seeing things Hosuh." He paused. "Do you need anything?"

Hosuh didn't respond.


A small snore came from the bed. He had fallen asleep that fast. Stephen smiled, and ruffled the smaller boy's hair.

For the next few hours Stephen did not leave Hosuh's side. He sat by his bed and watched him sleep. He wasn't trying to be creepy, he just wanted to make sure that at all hours, Hosuh was alright; even if it meant getting sick himself.

A small cough and rustling alerted Stephen, telling him Hosuh was awake. Hosuh sat at the edge of the bed, as if waiting for an ounce of motivation to get fully up.

"And where do you think you're going?" Stephen flatly said.

"Water." Hosuh whispered. His almost inaudible voice now basically impossible to hear, the dryness preventing him from speaking any louder.

"I got it. Lay down, you need rest." Hosuh just sat there. "That wasn't a request." Stephen said in a tone that wasn't exactly rude, but not the nicest that Hosuh has heard.

"Fine." Hosuh grudgingly replied. "I feel useless."

"Well, don't feel useless, 'cause you're not." Stephen retaliated. "Now I'm getting you that water."

Stephen left Hosuh's room, and headed for the tap. He grabbed a cup and started filling it.

"You finally came out of Hosuh's room." Daniel said. "You didn't even come out for lunch when I called you."

Stephen turned off the tap.

"I only came out because Hosuh wanted water."

"Stephen," Daniel put his hand on Stephen's shoulder. "You need to take care of yourself too, y'know that, right?"

Stephen x Hosuh One Shots (MAYBE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now