Friday the 13th

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     Today was Friday the thirteenth, Hosuh hated this day. These were the days he was gifted with extreme klutziness and unluckiness. Hosuh didn't even want to get out of bed, he rolled over, but he was on the edge of the mattress.


"Ow... Not a good way to start a morning."

He heard the door open.

"Hosuh? Are you okay in here?"  A very familiar Stephen-ish voice echoed through Hosuh's room.

Hosuh huffed. "I mean, yeah, I guess. I absolutely love falling off the bed in the morning."

Stephen laughed at Hosuh's sarcasm.

"C'mon, let's get you off the ground." The plum haired male said.

"Thanks." Hosuh replied. "Now can you get out? I need to cha-"

Hosuh looked at what he ran into. A bedpost. Just his luck.

Stephen stifled a laugh. "Well, I'll be on my way."

As Stephen walked out of the room, he couldn't help but smile. He loved Friday the thirteenth, he always seemed more lucky on those days. And today, he felt even more lucky; he had an excuse to hold Hosuh's hand. It may not seem like much to most people, but Stephen was ecstatic.

I mean, it's not every day you can just casually grab your crush's hand like that.

"Well, you seem happy." A mocking voice came from the common room.

"Shut up Jay."

"Y'know... You should tell him today!" Daniel chimed in.

"Daniel I don't need your help with this." Stephen spat.

Stephen started to walk away, the minute he started to look where he was going, he was on the floor, with a silver haired character on top of him.


Hosuh eventually finished getting dressed. With his bad luck he managed to fall over two more times, knock his clothes out of his drawer, brake a spring on his bed frame, and run into the bedpost, again.

"Uggh, Friday the thirteenth sucks." Hosuh mumbled to himself while walking out of his room.

And as if right on cue, he tripped. Hosuh flinched, and closed his eyes, preparing for impact. Expecting to hit the cold floor, he was rather surprised when he didn't. Instead, he landed on something warm.

"Daniel! I'm gonna kill you!... As soon as Hosuh gets off me..."

Hosuh opened his eyes and saw a really crimson faced Stephen. His brain took a moment to understand what was going on.

"KYA!" Hosuh shouted while falling backwards, off of Stephen.

Stephen gave an embarrassed laugh, while Hosuh turned away timidly

Falling on top of people is not how you get them to like you. Hosuh sadly thought.

"I'm going to post it online~" Daniel shouted.

"No! Screw you Daniel!" Stephen ran after Dan.

Ugh, I'm a walking accident today! I should just go somewhere, where I won't make a mistake.

Hosuh somehow made it to the couch without screwing something up.

"I aM vIcToRiOuS!" Stephen screamed, running away from Dan.

"Gimme back my phone!" Daniel yelled.

About fifteen minutes of this went on before Jay grabbed Daniel and said, "Okay, you obviously need time to cool off. Come with me." Jay dragged Daniel out the door.

"Are they gone?" Stephen asked.


Stephen came out of his hiding spot and joined Hosuh on the couch. Well, more like he plopped right next to the smaller of the two. Hosuh was flug forward a bit, most likely because of his terrible luck. Before he hit the ground, however, Stephen caught him.

"Thanks... again."

"Yeah, it's funny, you're oddly clumsy today." Stephen replied.

"Stuff like this only happens on Friday the thirteenth." Hosuh looked back on the small incident with Stephen, that only happened because of his unluckiness.

"Heh, I tend to be lucky on days like these."

"Even when I fell on top of you?" Hosuh kind of joked.

"It wasn't that bad." Hosuh perked up from the the statement just said. The crimson blush returned to Stephen's face.

"Okay, 'Mr. Lucky'. Do something to prove that you just gained luck tenfold."

Stephen took a deep breath. "Well then... Will you actually make me the the luckiest man alive and be my boyfriend?"

Hosuh noticed that Stephen wasn't looking him in the eyes. He looked sad, like he was scared.

"Maybe you are the luckiest person in the world.." Hosuh said quietly.

Stephen lit up. He embraced Hosuh, he laughed in happiness.

"Thank you." Stephen whispered in Hosuh's ear.

Maybe Friday the thirteenth isn't as unlucky as Hosuh originally thought.


Short and sweet! (Hopefully).

This had less than a thousand words and oof. At least I got it out on time. I started it today.

(A very gay) Satan Muffins~

(Okay, please note that I did post this on December, Friday the thirteenth. For all you future readers. Hello future readers!)

Stephen x Hosuh One Shots (MAYBE CONTINUED) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant