I nEeD a NaMe! (Draft)

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It was another cold, rainy, Saturday night at the bar. Hosuh listened as the slightly tipsy crowd cheered, when his name was introduced on the stage. This bar was pretty well known for Hosuh's voice, people came from a nice distance away just to hear the young male sing.

Hosuh walked onto the stage, the flashing lights of phone cameras and cheers from the crowd didn't help with his anxiety; tonight someone special was in the crowd. Someone who could make or break Hosuh's career.

"Hey Hosuh?" The owner of the bar, Ann asked.


"When singin' tonight, try to do better than your best. I got notified that we'll be having a critic come here to hear ya sing."

"W-What?" He stuttered out.

"When I first hired you, it was because you were a family friend. But this could be a real game changer for you! C'mon! You gotta go get ready!"

Hosuh sighed before picking up the mic.

"Hello everyone!" Hosuh said into the microphone. The crowd of people continued cheering.

"I'm Hosuh Lee, for those of you who don't know. And I'll be singing for you tonight."

And just like the flash of a camera, the songs were done and over with.

Hosuh walked off the stage, all he could hear was the shouts from the crowd,

"Just one more!" "Encore!" "Do another one!"

He rushed off to his dressing room, and locked the door. Hosuh didn't really trust the not exactly sober people cheering for him.

He started prepping to go home, by first removing his pastel blue eyeshadow, then his mascara, and finally the blush.

Hosuh exhaled as he looked at his makeup-less face, he didn't really change how his face truly looked with his makeup, but he did always feel prettier with it on.

Hosuh was about to change into his casual clothes, but stopped when he had heard two firm knocks on his door.

Hopefully, it's just people who want a photo or something. Hosuh thought to himself as he looked through the peephole in his door.

The man outside was different than the normal people who usually knocked. He wore a suit, had a purple Mohawk, and just in general, looked more sophisticated than the other people at the bar.

Hosuh opened the door.

"Hi, can I help you?" The performer asked.

"Hello, are you Hosuh Lee?" The man inquired.

"I am, who wants to know?"

"My name is Stephen Ng." The man replied. "I came to review your performance."

"O-Oh! Would y-you like to come in?"

"Yes please." The taller man said, walking into the dressing room.

They both shared a moment of awkwardness, as they stood in a small period of silence.

"S-So... Did you like the show?" Hosuh's eyes sparked with hope.

"That's a secret you'll find out tomorrow, if you read the newspaper, that is." Stephen replied.

"O-Okay, then why did you want to visit me?"

Stephen x Hosuh One Shots (MAYBE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now