Chapter 1

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Expelling heavy, hot air, I checked my phone for the hundredth time, anticipating a notification from my husband, Dean. He was supposed to tell me if he was on his way home already because I had prepared quite the party for him. I know over the months we have not been on the best of terms, but it was our anniversary night and I was really looking forward for it.

We needed to renew our spirit. We had agreed to sit down and talk, talk about us, talk about our children and his drinking problem. Of course that was just over dinner, before the really cool stuff.

He promised to be home on time. Why wasn't he home?

I checked the clock again and sighed in disappointment. It was ten already and nothing.No text, no voicemail. Why would he just disappear on me like that? And on that very special day. I couldn't believe I dressed up for him

Looking at my red dress, I felt the knotting in my stomach again and sucked in air, then breathed it all did work. Nothing was making me calm. The friends series I was watching, made no sense at all. All I kept seeing were blurr figures, moving here and there. The house was deadly quiet and lonely without the kids. Which is totally my fault.

Gullible me, thinking that today being our anniversary would make any difference to my husband, I took my kids to my sister's to give us some time.
Some time indeed!

I pulled my feet on the couch and covered myself up. It was getting really chilly . The fireplace wasn't helping with the kind of cold I was feeling. I think my heart was frozen.

I was woken up by a disturbing buzzing sound from my phone. I fully woke up in time to catch it just before it finally fell off the table.
Shit, I fell asleep!

Quickly, I let my legs down, reached for my phone. It was a text message from a new number.

Happy anniversary baby. Come to Jupiter. I have a surprise for you.

my heart slammed against my chest so hard I thought it would crack, after decoding the messege. He remembered. He did not forget about it, Damn I should have more faith in him from this time on. I was so busy getting worried when he was working his ass off to surprise me. To give me an exquisite anniversary.

I jumped up and down like a little girl, sucked in some more air and ran up the stairs. Thank God I had already dressed up for him. So I just grabbed my purse, put out the candles I had prepared for our romantic dinner and started out the room. I suddenly stopped by the door, gave my special made dinner a sad glance;I had put in a lot of work on it. Sighing, I walked out of the door.

As I passed through the corridors, I quickly checked my reflection on the mirror and frowned. Why was I that slim? I had lost quite a lot of weight over the months due to stress. I swear five minutes into it and I would be deemed anorexic. But it all ends today, because today, marks the beginning of our time. The bigining of our happily ever after. I couldn't wait to convince him to torn his drinking down a notch.

Exhaling loudly, I walked to the kitchen counter and grabbed my car keys then , I came back and scooped my cell and walked out the door.
Damn, I was so happy I felt giddy . Who would have thought that, just a text from Dean would get a thirty one year old me, driving up in the middle of the night, that happy?

Jupiter was not that far from the house so it took me a few minutes to get there. But I did take me hell of alot more minutes, fixing after myself in the car. I retouched my makeup, which made me really uncomfortable, because I never liked it. I fixed my hair which was already perfect then, I breathed in and out,before I finally got out.

"Hello boss," Some guy I haven't seen before greeted, taking my keys. I wanted to tell him not to call me boss, because I didn't own the hotel, Dean did. But before I opened my mouth, he had drove off.I was surprised that the whole place was empty. It had never been empty before. He probably reserved the whole place for us. Pretty thoughtful husband.

How did I miss the sign, I guess I was too excited for my own good.

I said hello to the receptionist, who smiled at me politely, before allowing me to proceed.

I walked to Dean's office but was surprised that it was locked.
"He is in 301 " the weird guy Said. I nodded and tailed after him to the elevator . All the way up, I kept wondering why Dean would be in that room instead of the pent house.

The elevator door opened and we walked out. "Right this way please." he gestured. He got the door for me, and I entered, smiling at the decorative stuff in the room. He left, shutting the door behind me.

"Hello, baby!" I sauntered further into the room running my fingers on the surfaces . It was really romantic. He almost bested me. I smiled so hard my jaws started hurting. I slowly took one of the glasses and poured myself a glass of water from the table and chugged it all down. I would have taken the wine but I really needed to be in my right mind to have a conversation. I put the glass back on the table and walked into the bedroom.

Water was running, and I figured he was freshening up. "Baby!" I called again."I was thinking that maybe we could talk first before we..."I felt my throat drying up again, and it was so intense I started to sweat. "Ahem"I cleared my throat blinking profusely, because even my vision was getting blurry. "Before we could dive into the..." I manage to finish in a whisper. I had held on the wall for support because things were not going too well for me.

I was starting to feel royally weird. Dizzy, weak and things just started to spin. I couldn't stand up so I fell. What is happening to me? My head swept towards the sitting room and then, just when "Dean" exited the bathroom in nothing, not even a towel, it became all dark.

I woke up a century later, with the foggiest mind ever. I mean, I opened my eyes and the environment was creepily weird and different. I tried to recall where I was, but I couldn't even figure out how I got there in the first place. Hell, I didn't even remember the day it was. I saw a body next to me, he was butt naked since I had hogged the bed shit,I was able to note that right away. Quickly taking a peak, I saw that I was naked too. I almost smiled at the thought that at least Dean was with me. But even before I could shake him awake, the door slammed opened and guess what?

The intruder was my very own husband. Dean was there standing in front of me, his face oozing fifty shades of betrayal.

"It is not what it looks like."

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