Chapter 25

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The call ended like half an hour ago but I still could not get enough courage to believe him. I had constantly and frantically tried to call Nancy, but she was not answering. If it was true, how would I get my son back without Putting Sharon in danger?   I was no doctor but  I had had my share of pregncies to know stress and pregnant do not stay in the same place. If she finds out that Jason was with Patrick, she would flip;she would selflessly offer herself to save Jason.

Breathing in and out, I straightened my coat. I tried to get composure as best as I could then, walked back in. I was going to save our son at whatever cost and the whole thing would never be spoken about ever again.

As I walked in our eyes met and I shuddered. She looked happy and glowing with one of her hands protectively on her not-existence baby bump and I knew she would do absolutely anything to keep our family safe. I had to do the same. I was going to make sure that the look she had at that moment stayed there forever, I owed her that. I finally got beside her and reached for her hands. Her soft ones clutched tightly into mine and she looked at my eyes, "are you okay?" she asked, rubbing my arm."You are so cold." She added. Her concerns and worries were at the same level.

"I am okay honey," I muttered.

"You sure?" she pressed and I nodded, kissing her on the lips. "The doctor said it would be good if I stayed here overnight for a follow-up, but I didn't see the kids before I left, would you go bring them for a few minutes ?" I nodded, relaxing a bit. Her staying at the hospital was a blessing in disguise. Now I could actually think about something.

"I will bring them right away honey." I kissed her a few more times, very passionately. "I love you." I whispered. She nodded still finding it hard to speak. I had taken her breath away,I knew it. So I took solace in her kissing me back instead. We pulled away and quickly, I walked to the door.

I turned around and blew her a kiss which she pretended to grab and stored in her pocket. Then with tears almost falling from me eyes, I shut the door.  I fished my phone to finally check who had been tickling me. I had my phone on vibration and it tickled every time it rang. If only I did not have a sharp sword hanging on my head, I would have laughed. But it probably was Patrick calling to issue orders again. The maniac gave me an hour and he said he would text the address. Why would he continue to call? 

I was relieved when I saw that It was my sister. There were a couple of more text messages from her, mainly updating me on the situation at home.

Sis:Don't answer the phone near Sharon Jason has been taken, Nancy operated on gruesomely and Sheila is okay.
I would take Sheila to my place but Sharon would rather die than go there, so meet me at jupiter with a plan that will rescue my nephew.

My heart sank. He indeed had my son. I swallowed a lamp and scrolled down. Patrick had given me an address which looked way too familiar.

It was Mr Lewis's house. What the hell was he doing there? I had sold the house, to someone with a big family. Where were they?

I dumped the phone in my pocket, took only a few steps and suddenly the police appeared. Dang! I had forgotten they followed me. How do I get rid of them?

Patrick said no police. Suddenly I had an idea, "I will talk to the doctor, could you guys keep her company?"I asked pointing at Sharon's room. They nodded and departed.

Everything worked as planned and I sighed relieved when my car came to view. I Took my keys out and I actually fumbled with the door before I finally sat on the driver's seat.

Can I cry now?

Hell no, we don't have time to waste.

Patrick said one hour and I had already wasted half of it panicking in the hallway. Luckily, the house was a less than ten minutes drive from the hospital.

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