Chapter 18

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I got out of the house and started pacing like a mad man. I kept mumbling, "What do I really want?" over and over again. I did know anymore, I wanted to hurt her badly but I sat down and thought and weighed and I realized that I started all that. I cheated first, I moved out first and I wanted to stop but just thinking that she was happy with Change without us, drove me crazy. Patrick showed me photos of them in the gym, in his house. If she was comfortable wearing that infront if him, I bet wearing nothing did not mean a thing .

When I saw her in that shirt, I just wanted to gnaw it off her body right that minute. Why... why would she sleep with him? We were only apart for two week couldn't she wait? I waited. I saved myself for her even though every other person nudged me to eat Zhela. She was willing but I said no. I felt so stupid for every second I wasted thinking about her.

Well, enough. Maybe I should get rid of the boner she gave me.

With that in my mind, I texted Zhela.
Me:"I am coming over." after hitting send, I gave our house a long look. There was something pulling me back, and I know I wanted to be with her, just her but I did not want to force her again. So Zhela would just have to do.

I force myself into my car and drove off. Why was I still attracted to her? she was a cheat. A pathological liar who fooled me... Fooled everyone, for almost a decade. She screwed my best friend, she screwed my other ex friend, she was dishing herself out as is sharing stones.

My train of thoughts was disrupted by the buzzing of my phone. I swiped the screen and her text popped up. Zhela: "Come on dzadzy I will be a little late. Extra key under the doormatt... "Just a glance to that text and I had a instant de-erection.She just knew when to mess up shit.

I drove to her house anyway while trying to get me in the mood. To be clear, I was not touching myself, I just had to think about my cheat of a wife and voila.  I pulled over outside her home and got out. I don't know why I suddenly had the urge to smoke. I had never smoked my entire life.

I shrugged it off and stepped out of the car. I remembered the location of the key and after retrieving it, I opened the door and walked in. I sat down for a second before everything started feeling off. What was taking her so long?

I decided to go wait in the bedroom. Smirking at my  idea and I got up and hurried upstairs. I threw the door ajar and my  friend she was organized. I could not believe I had never been in there before.
I took my time to scrutinize things. It was exciting to go through her things, was this the rush that Sharon usually get snooping through my things? Why, why am I still thinking about her?

Time to distract Dean. I walked to closet and threw it open. On the floor was a duffel bag. I went as far as unzipping it and a cellphone came to my view. Then there was Money, lots of money. I hoisted it up and from the side pocket another phone fell.

I had time so I powered it on and the screen lit up for only a second before it died again. But in that second, on the screen saver was Angie. It was definitely her phone. But what was it doing with Zhela?

While going through her camera, I called the police. Clearly that woman had something to do with Angie's I death and the robbery at Sharon's store was all her. Zhela was demented.

Spoken too soon.

I now had in my hand a video of Patrick and Zhela. It was the same video I had, except that now instead of Sharon and Ray, It was all Zhela and Patrick . "Oh my God!" I felt my stomach hurt . After everything I put Sharon through, there was a possibility that she might have been innocent? No!

I felt my body temperature hike and my throat rusty. Then everything started spinning.

"I can explain." says a trembling voice behind me. I turned to find Zhela already crying.

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