Chapter 17

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I waited for time to heal my wounds, but I guess I  did not realize just  how deep the cut was. Along the way, I got lost in distractions. It was Tess' idea to distract me, to help me not lose my mind. She had me spending time in the gym, cleaning Merlin's house or my house. She actually turned me into a cleaning lady and almost signed me up for community service But I appreciated it because during that time I would focus my energy on something els other than the fact that  it had been two week since I last saw my children.
Out of frustration, I had sought-after Merlin to help me get my children back. I mean my crazy husband only let me talk to them for five minutes and no questions asked.

Merlin was more than willing to help me out and along with Tess, Patrick also offered to help. He seemed different, like he actually grew a heart or something. It was weird but a part of me missed Sheila. I know She ruined my name, but who cares, that was his brother's name too. No wonder Dean made it all go away in a matter of hours. I had to move to merlin place because my house just held really painful memories that only weighed me down. It was empty and cold and sad without my family there.

I remember how was aggressive to Dean a week after he decided to leave me. I had hurled insults to him until I felt dirty. But that did not help. That was why Tess and Merlin decided to distract me.

We did alot, we planned and plotted until today when Jason texted me that his dad was bringing them home. I hopped into merlin's  car and flew the hell to my place. I was on adrenaline, I am sure I could live another hour after being shot at.

I abandoned my car on the driveway and rushed in,"Dean! BABY! JASON!" I called running from room to room. They were all empty, with no sign that they ever even got there.

What was happening to Dean?For how long was he going to punish me for a lie? Two weeks without seeing my children and he did not care? I was going out of my mind. Every night when he gave them the phone to talk to me, the word we would see you tomorrow, always came up, yet tomorrow never arrived.

I grabbed my phone... my new phone and dialed his number. Just like the 14 days before, my dear husband did not answer.He let it ring and the second time was the same. I should have just thrown my phone away and waited for them to call me at night like they always did, but then out of desperation, I called Sheila.She was just being spiteful. She rejected my calls without a second thought.

I couldn't stop crying. There is nothing as horrible as getting lulled into a false sence of comorodarie and then just like that, it is taken away from you.

I threw my phone on my couch and decided to go for a water but then my phone beeped. I ran to it and went straight for the messages

Dean:Stop waiting for me, stop calling me every minute like a crazy upgraded stalker.because, I don't love you anymore I don't want you. We are over. You are now free to screw Change.I know that you are staying with him and that you sleep in his bed, You should be ashamed of yourself, how could you leave our home... You know what, it does not matter.We are done!

I felt my heart break into a million pieces. Was he serious?He was just twisting things everyday to make me the bad guy. The last time I tried to explain to him that I never did anything with Ray or with Merlin  but he did not listen. I got so tired that now wherever he hurls that to my face, I just say cool. I was exhausted.

Me:Can we at least meet so that we can talk? I have been your wife for nine years, I think I deserve more than just a text. And what about Jason and Sheila? I want to see them.

Dean:All right. I was on my way to our house anyway do you think your new husband can give you a minute?" I didn't text back.He was being puerile. He was living with Zhela, what a dingus.

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