💗💕🏳️‍🌈!!pride!! pt.2🏳️‍🌈💕💗

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|Kou's POV|
I was sleeping peacefully in Mitsuba's bed. At least, I was until I woke up from him poking my cheeks.

"Hhhnngh..." I opened my eyes and saw Mitsuba looking at me with that adorable face of his, so I couldn't help but give him a tired smile.

"Good morning Kou~!" He smiled back.

"Good morning Mitsuba." He giggled and hugged me, digging his face into my neck making me turn red.

"Geez Mitsu, you're so clingyyy..."

"Well it's not my fault you're so warm...!" I decided not to argue and we stayed together for a few minutes, kissing each other's head and cheeks before he eventually got up.

"The pride festival starts at 2 by the way, so you might wanna get ready." He told me while we were sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Ok, but I don't have any clothes..." I told him, hoping I'd be able to wear something of his.

"Too bad then." Mitsuba stated bluntly.

"Eh?! Aren't you gonna lend me any??"

"Well you're kinda a pervert sooooo..." He shrugged.

I just looked at him with a -_- face.

"Says the one who started cuddling with me." I told him back.

"Whatever!" He looked away from me.

"C'moooon Mitsu, pleeease...?"

"Say my name right." He told me.


"Hmph!" I thought about what he might've wanted me to say for a second and smiled.

"Pleeeease Strawberry~?" Mitsuba finally looked at me with a blush on his face.

"Fine, but only because you came here in a hurry, so it's not you're fault you have no clothes." I smiled and was about to go through his drawer until he stopped me.


"What is it?" I asked, confused.

"ter..." Was all I heard since he was muttering.

"'ter'?" Mitsu just sighed and looked away from me again.

"W-Wear my sweater you idiot..." He told me louder than last time.

I just turned pink. Mitsuba always acted like that, and I never understood why he was so nervous, but he's adorable nonetheless. The times I wore his sweater weren't that often, but I still liked it a lot.

"Alright~!" I smiled.

He took it off and gave it to me, and I grabbed a shirt as well as pants from his drawers to get changed. When I was done and out his sweater on I smelled that sweet scent of his, feeling warmth.

"Now wait here, I'm gonna go change too." He told me when I was finished.

"Ok!" As I waited for Mitsuba I reached in my pants' pockets before remembering how my mom took it.

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