kiss marry kill

843 24 135

title explains it. this isn't strictly a mitsukou oneshot, sorry !! There also isn't a lot of characters which I'm sorry about as well D:
request from Bun-The-Axolotl !!

crazy.knife - Amane
fishy.girl - Nene
insecure.exorcist - Kou
akane._aoi - Akane
ao1_akane - Aoi
teru._.m - Teru
pink_ph0tographer - Mitsuba


crazy.knife has added fishy.girl to the chat
crazy.knife has added insecure.exorcist to the chat
crazy.knife has added akane._aoi to the chat

fishy.girl: what are u doing?

fishy.girl has added ao1_akane to the chat

insecure.exorcist: I wanna add people!

insecure.exorcist has added pink_ph0tographer to the chat
insecure.exorcist has added teru._.m to the chat

crazy.knife: welp, looks like everyone is here

fishy.girl: What about your brother?

crazy.knife: I said everyone is here.

pink_ph0tographer: ugh, what do you guys want??

insecure.exorcist: 🤷 Amane started adding people so so did I

crazy.knife: were gonna play kiss marry kill!!!!

pink_ph0tographer: that sounds fucking dumb

crazy.knife: Kou, tell your boyfriend to chill out :(((

insecure.exorcist: EH ISNG
insecure.exorcist - HE* ISN'T*

teru._.m: oh? Kou has a boyfriend?

insecure.exorcist: I DONG

crazy.knife: BAHAHQHQ

fishy.girl: stop messing with him!!!! also, kiss marry kill? seriously??

pink_ph0tographer: thats what im saying! what are we, 10????

crazy.knife: cmon guuuuyssss itll be a fun way to pass the time :]

insecure.exorcist: I mean, as long as we don't take it too seriously I don't care.

crazy.knife: one person is on board! how about every1 else? @everyone

ao1_akane: what's this.

crazy.knife: we r playing kiss marry kill

ao1_akane: oh... I don't really know any of Nene's friends. I guess I recognize Akane and Teru. okay, we can play!

fishy.girl: well.... if aoi is playing then I guess ill give it a shot.

teru._.m: I'm fine with playing.

akane._aoi: If Aoi-chan is playing then so will I!

crazy.knife: okay! that just leaves mitsuba.

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