Part 43 "Undoing the wrong"

Start from the beginning

"But how could she be if the tree was here?" Calum questioned.

"Ah Calum, Freya made a little trip just for Agrona to help her and her family. She didn't have a pack, or village as they would call it, but a sick younger brother and poor parents, that's how Freya and I met. Under the moon of the beach I walked along the shoreline thinking about what I've created when our eyes met and we knew we were linked in some form. From then on we were inseparable, although my pack wouldn't allow her, she was always nearby" the wolf's eyes softened and a single tear left your eye as the werecat looked at him. She started to speak afterwards.

"Just like Conall and I started a friendship so had Agrona and Trent, but they didn't know about one another's secret and they wouldn't know for a long time. Years passed and their friendship turned into love, so the secret mustn't be kept from someone you love, right? That's unfortunately exactly what they did. More and more humans started to conquer our lands, killing our species, jaguars and wolves, so many, many more that you two haven't heard about. We became scared, hiding in the shadows, finding barely any food, no animal or plant was safe from them. From those pests and what the worst part was is that Trent and Agrona weren't doing anything. They were the true monsters" you couldn't describe the feelings in you right now, you really couldn't.

"We kept on watching... Humans started to turn against one another, Trent's village was attacked, him being weak against humans with weapons made him shift into a wolf in broad daylight. But his bones weren't broken in wrong places, his muscles were strong, his fur was made to protect from harsh weather, he was perfect, finally. When his people saw him they wanted to become like him, but others, others were scared for life. Agrona decided to shift as well and when their eyes locked there was pure love, nothing more. They shared the same goal and together they protected their village. Agrona wanted to stop there, knowing that when the word spreads everyone would leave them alone, but Trent, he was consumed by the power seeing what his abilities were. He went to the sacred tree with his men, teaching them everything Conall did him years ago. Agrona taught only a few of her friends solely for protection. Trent planned to go out and make everyone bow down to him, he saw himself as a God, a higher being than all of them, except for his love Agrona, but he knew that she didn't want him to do any of that. The difference was she didn't know his intentions. Every day Trent would train and turn more and more people into werewolves, they would come to him and by their instincts bow down because he was an alpha, the strongest and most experienced one. However, he didn't count on one of them telling on him to Agrona. They fought so much, yelling, screaming, throwing stuff. That's when she was done, she left with some of the villagers to warn people around the world, at least that's what she wanted to do. Not long after her leave it was found out that she was pregnant, carrying a child of a werewolf and a werecat. Only one thing could be done to stop that and it was killing her and the baby. A war broke out, people around the world came to kill werewolves and werecats. In the end Agrona's life was wasted and her ghost was the only thing left of her, among many other souls that died on that day. Trent couldn't bare it, he lost everything...his village, his loved one, his unborn child... Everything because of the thirst for power. Conall and I stood in front of him, broken, crazy, crying and crying, but we couldn't do anything, we just...watched. That's when the two worlds separated. A great earthquake erupted creating a barrier that shielded off our world from humans, the rest of the werecats and werewolves were brought here by the tree and it brought back all the other strange creatures but all of our kind died. The tree decided that all werewolves will have mates, there will be no more of keeping secrets, lying, cheating, regrets, noone will follow Trent's footsteps, thus Trent killed himself. He couldn't continue living and that's why werewolves do that when their mate dies in every way except peacefully and naturally. Werecats had more free will, they can choose, but have to stick to the one they choose. A new era begun, humans' memories were erased, leaving werewolves and werecats to live together safe from the monsters who couldn't accept them even if they were a mistake. But no werewolf and werecat should ever mix, that child will be cursed" your stomach twisted. What about Sarah and Ashton's child? You have to tell her so you looked at Calum who had the same expression.

"Conall and I were left to be punished for our mistake, remaining as ghosts 'till the end of this world to keep all the other bodies in here. Watch as the time flies, but never seeing how our mistake turned out. There would be no magic in human world no more, there would be no trust in between the two worlds no more and that's why we never trust people...even werecats and werewolves".
It was silent again, you didn't have anything to say, it was all too much.... That's how it all happend adn Conall and Freya were there to witness it...

"So what happend with Tayla?" you dared to ask.

"She came in here when the tree was open the first time. It opens every full moon, she barged in with her men and a book in her hand and that was the book I wrote with Trent" Conall starts.

"It was stollen from the tree itself. You see, it used to be a lot brighter in here, bigger too. This is where all the secrets were hidden, all the books, all the spells, our ancient language began here, but she stole the book and spoke words that should never be spoken in here in our language

"One admitted one's mistake, power doesn't last forever" she spoke like a snake, with every word the ground shook more and more untill the barrier was broken down and we couldn't do anything. I tried to fight back, we did, but it was pointless. We were exposed yet again, but as the tree tells us we are never allowed to interfere with the outside world again" Freya finished.

"No, how could you let her just walk away with that?!" you yelled accidentally. However, they weren't angry, they understood.

"Willow, her spell didn't work and it never will until it's sincere and with a person that's a werecat who's also sincere. Thus, when she walked in her hands were bloody. That blood belonged to a werecat named Ashton Irwin, that's how she managed to keep the barrier down longer this time" Conall explained and tears just started falling down your face. Calum squeezed your hand tighter and hugged your from the side.

"T-that's m-my brother" you cried. The cat stood up, coming closer to you and the wolf followed her movement from the other side coming near Calum, so they hugged you the best they could.

"Can you do anything to help us? Can you get us out of here?" Calum asked.

"We can get you out, but you can't do anything without the barrier from what I've understood from your plan. Can you somehow convince her to change her mind? Trent broke down once he saw his mistakes finally" Freya suggests.

"The only person she would listen to was Xavier and he's dead" Calum explains as you collect yourself. Conall and Freya walk in front of you and nodd at eachother.

"There is a way we can help you. There's a spell that allows ghosts to retrieve to their body just like us for one day every month, we'll let you use it for this, I just hope we're not making another mistake" Conall says.

"We'll prove it to you" you say confidently as Calum and you stand up, hand in hand. They told you exactly what to do and how to do it. The white glow lifted you off the ground as it started opening for you to exit in the outside world.

"Conall, Freya, thank you. We'll make sure we make you proud" Calum says, so they nod and disappear into particles as light hits them from the outside.


"Willow! Calum! Oh my God!" you immediately heard Sierra yell. Everyone ran to you and Calum to give you a tight hug.

"What, how, explain!" Louis yelled.

"There's no time for that, we gotta get to Tayla now!" Calum demands, but everyone is puzzled.

"We can't, that's not the plan-".

"Listen to us, this is now or never and we're going back to your world to end this once and for all. How much time have we been down there?" you question a little angry because you don't have time to explain what happend down there so they know how important it is to be as fast as possible.

"Maybe forty minutes" Michael answers.

"Get a helicopter here immediately for people, we're running back".

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