Part 14 "Troubles along the way"

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What was the trick to finding a wild wolf in the human world? Well of course, the screaming people. Melbourne's streets were filled with police walking out and about, even some army soldiers, but there were more people than you expected there to be. Who can blame them? You wouldn't believe the news if you were one of them, a wolf three times the size of a normal one, bullshit, at least the first one.

"You have the list?" Calum asked. Right, Niall printed out papers with all the werewolves that lived in Australia and gave them to everybody, you and Calum had the Melbourne ones of course.

"Yep, I think two blocks from here and then left should be the first two" you answered checking the paper you carried in your bag.

"How are we even gonna do this?" you question as you two start walking the direction the houses were in.

"The effects wear off. We just have to lead them away from the cameras, hold him there for a few minutes and after they transform back we've got them" he explains as if you were stupid.

"You are forgetting something, how do we hold them still?" who's the one without a plan now.

"Hold them down?" he quirked an eyebrow at your question.

"Calum we can't transform, what if someone sees?" you said a little quieter in case someone can hear even if it was out of context you shouldn't risk anything.

"I know, that's why I got this bag" he smiles, you hit him lightly.

"You better be right about this, Hood" roll your eyes.

"When am I not, Irwin?" he winks at you, but you just scoff as he laughs at that. How can this guy be so calm in a situation like this?


"Well crap! Police already got here before us" Calum cursed as you saw them yourself. They did shift and now people think they died by those vicious monsters which are them actually, but they aren't monsters.

"Maybe they are around here, we should look for well hidden places, maybe they are just scared?" you suggest and he nods in agreement. You two walk straight through the street earning a few weird stares from the policemen, but you shrug it off, you just needed to walk past this street. Calum was focused as his eyes roamed around every little corner, searching for a good hiding place.

"Over there" he whispered, secretly gesturing to a corner where a tree stood. You would wonder why there but then you noticed a tiny detail, a bearly bruised corner of the house, it had a single claw mark.

"Other side" you whispered back as you made your way to the end of the street. After you made a left and got to the backside of that house you and Calum jumped over the fence. Yourur senses being wide awake, it was dark from the shadow that came from the house even if it was the middle of the day.

"Do you see anything?" he whispered, but you shook your head no, still going forward. Something hit your foot resulting in you almost falling but you caught yourself. Calum put a hand on your shoulder asking if you are okay, you replied with a small thank you as you looked down at the ground. This is one of the benefits of being a werecat, seeing in the dark.

"Look Cal" you motioned for the thing that almost made you trip. He carefully picked it up, probably remembering what Louis told you about doing that.

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