Chapter 26 - Friends and Foes

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The morning was cool, and the sky was clear of clouds, ready for a hot September day. Though the foliage was still clinging to green, the summer had already been forgotten and the monotony of school life had slipped back on like a blazer from the year before. Manny walked with the hoards of blue-clad students through the entrance gate, headphones on and music humming in his ears. The first years who had looked like wide-eyed fauns in traffic a mere three weeks ago, now seemed comfortable, confident even, already huddled in their cliques. The school buses swung into the U-shaped drive, one after the other, depositing even more students, Theo among them.

"Hey," said Theo, looking more tired than usual.

"Morning, everything ok?" asked Manny.

Theo yawned, "Yeah, I was just up late doing stupid shit."

"Are you still trying to decide between security and software design?"

Ever since Theo had come back from his work experience he'd been confused about what he wanted to do.

"Yeah, it's so stupid. The guy from the Cambridge placement said he knows someone up here who can help me though, so maybe that'll help." He yawned again, "Oh wait, didn't you go to Glasgow this weekend?"

"Yeah it was so good," Manny said as they walked past the old block to the quad, unable to resist a quick look at the corridor but there wasn't a sign of the mop of blonde hair. "It's definitely going to be one of the four."

"It's so weird how you can't use all five of your choices for medical schools," said Theo as he nodded greetings to various students.

"You know the most random people," Manny said as Theo greeted a girl in second year and a senior guy in succession. "But anyway, it makes sense really, they don't want you to use up all your options for the hardest course to get on. It's just an insurance policy."

Theo held the door to the old science entrance open, "True. I've been thinking by the way."

"That's dangerous. About what?"

"You should apply to Manchester."

Manny stopped short of their form room, "But why? I thought we agreed Cardiff is better."

"Cardiff is better but medicine is medicine, it's the same wherever, and Manchester will be a better city for you."

"Better for me?"

"You know..." Theo lowered his voice, "You're gay and it has Canal Street and apparently outside of Brighton it's the place."

Manny did his best to not laugh, "Um, okay."

"Forget I said anything," Theo said, shaking his head.

They found their usual seats in the lab that was their form room. Manny appreciated the effort, Theo was convinced that he needed to have more of 'a gay experience' and well, at least this was better than his suggestion of seeing Funny Girls in Blackpool.

"It's not a bad idea," Manny mused, "I kind of have been thinking of it."

"I think a city is needed after growing up here."

Manny couldn't help but agree. The idea of walking along streets bordered by towering buildings, having not agonised over what to wear or how to cut his hair and yet blending in with the mass of denizens was incredibly appealing. Probability told him that in a city with one hundred thousand students, he would be able to find 'his people'.

"It's decided then, Manchester first choice, Cardiff, Glasgow, Keele and then biology at Exeter as a back-up."

"You don't know how many people you have insulted with having Exeter as a back-up," remarked Theo.

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