Chapter 10

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Henry was trying to find the perfect way to stand in the locker room. He'd tried leaning against the lockers but had thought it was a little porn-y, then he'd sat on the windowsill but that had felt very posed. He pushed a hand through his hair and looked around at the room. Bags were now limited to the corners, he'd pushed and stacked them so the floor was clearer. There had also been a strange smell when he'd walked in, so he had pushed open one of the small windows. He was still proud of himself for managing to convince Ms Collins to dismiss him from afternoon registration early. She wasn't his biggest fan so when she'd allowed him to leave, he had hardly been able to walk across the quad normally, fighting the urge to break into a run.

It was Manny's birthday today, he'd seen Katie Thornton and Theo hug him and give him cards and gift bags before morning assembly had started. Manny had squirmed slightly from the attention and had glanced around the room for curious eyes but no one was watching him; no one else cared it was his birthday. As Manny's eyes had scanned over the seats near him, Henry had turned back towards Ewan.

Normally just before Wednesday games period, Henry would bump into Manny in the Old Building corridor, so he stood waiting. He was grateful for this weekly crossover in timetable; if Manny wasn't such a library fan, they probably wouldn't see each other at school. At the sound of the doors clanging, Henry straightened his jacket and moved to say a casual greeting, but Manny ran right past him to behind the partition. Henry peered around the middle row of lockers, "Hey."

Manny jumped, he was fishing inside the messiest locker Henry had ever seen and was out of breath. "Oh hey, I didn't see you there. I'm just getting Theo's wallet."

Henry walked closer with a hand behind his back as Manny leaned against the locker door with all his weight, pushing it closed. "Right locker this time."

"What?" Then Manny remembered, "Oh yeah."

"Anyway," with a flourish, Henry presented two tickets, "Happy birthday, Manny."

"How did-" Manny started to speak but Henry pushed the paper slips against his mouth, so he took the tickets. As he read the details printed on them, his voice fell to more of a whisper, "Violet Ash... Oh my god, standing tickets for Violet Ash."

Henry beamed; Manny's reaction was better than what he had imagined. From just the thought of the concert, the joy radiated from Manny's face.

"These are for me?" Manny's coffee-brown eyes were wide.

"Of course," said Henry.

"I'm going to see Violet Ash!" Manny's voice grew to a shout and he threw his arms around Henry.

It barely took a second for Henry to hug him back. Any hesitation faded away as he could feel the warmth of Manny's head resting on his chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around Manny's shoulders and smiled as the dark coils of hair tickled the underside of his chin.

Manny looked up at Henry, he didn't loosen his embrace and his excitement could still be heard through his muffled voice, "We're going to see Violet Ash."

They could have been anywhere, it didn't matter, Henry knew he was grinning like an idiot but he didn't care. He could feel Manny's hands in the small of his back and his mind emptied of all thoughts. Henry's eyes fell on Manny's lips.

Then his chest began vibrating, Manny let go of Henry and pulled his phone out from his breast pocket, "Hey, yeah I've got it, I was just having trouble with the, um, lock but I think I've done it now. I'll be right out."

"You have to go?" Henry pushed his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah, I'm going to the cinema with Theo and Katie, they're waiting in his car outside." Manny latched and fastened the padlock.

"Okay, well, have fun." said Henry, moving backwards. In his pocket, his thumb pushed its sharp nail into the side of his finger.

"Yeah, thanks." Manny stepped towards him, but then stepped away, forcing both hands to hold the wallet and instead walked towards the door. He stopped in the doorway, his face was sincere, "Thank you so much, Henry."

Henry smiled, "Happy birthday."

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