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"Are you sure it's okay for us to do this? What if we get caught?!" Yeosang whispered into the other males ear softly, nervously gripping onto Wooyoung's sweater.

"We'll be fine! Yeosang, once I ring the bell, count to three and run. Alright?" The other one turned his head back to stare at the older. A grin appeared on his face as he noticed how nervous Yeosang looked. He felt bad for making Yeosang join him but hey, it's just a prank. Nobody will get hurt over a small joke. Now now, back to what they were doing. They were both actually in neighborhood they didn't know. Why were they there, you're asking? Well, it's because Wooyoung wasn't feeling so well and since Yeosang was worried about him, he decided to go with Wooyoung, not thinking about what they were going to actually do. Wooyoung had brought Yeosang to a strange neighborhood to ring random people's doors and run away. How childish, isn't it? That's how Wooyoung had fun.

Wooyoung rang the door bell out of nowhere and stared at the door, waiting for the person to open the door. Yeosang had the 'O' Shape on his face once he noticed that the person who opened the door was a very tall muscular, big sized man. Wooyoung widened his eyes and stepped back slowly, hiding Yeosang behind his back. He didn't look away from the man who opened the door. "Hyung.. have you counted to three already?" He gulped the lump in his throat and squeezed Yeosang's hand tightly.

The older looked at Wooyoung, who was still staring at the man by the door and nodded his head slowly.

"Hyung.. if we die, I'm sorry I dragged you here with!" Wooyoung yelled at the top of his lungs, holding Yeosang's hand tightly before running away from the neighborhood with the other.

Yeosang was slightly shocked but he then ran along with Wooyoung, soon noticing that the man was actually running after them. He gasped and cursed under his breath, squeezing Wooyoung's veiny hand tightly. Wooyoung laughed a little at how the muscular man didn't get tired of running. He seemed to have a lot of energy. "Hyung! Let's turn left! He's chasing us!" Wooyoung stopped running and picked Yeosang up bridal style, running to the left before taking a turn to right just to confuse the person who was following them. Yeosang didn't look away from Wooyoung. His cheeks were red ever since Wooyoung had picked him up. He didn't expect his best friend to look so hot while running and his face was sweaty. Yeosang wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's shoulders from the front and buried his face into his best friend's neck.

After awhile of running, they finally lost the person. Wooyoung and Yeosang, both had been laying on the grass near the park they usually go to together when they're going through a hard time. They both laid next to each other, turning their heads to look at each other. Yeosang bursted into laughter and Wooyoung soon as well. They just thought about what had happened and it was hard not to find the situation funny.

That's the last time they had their laughter together.

Our promise, our story begins now.

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